sigh I said this a few times so far. I'll try to be short. My man is into crypto...i am not interested in it...I am into there u have my man doing his 1 +1 = 2. So here I am. This is what i said after 2 days of browsing around:
This is not blogging....this is like war. Everyone is crawling on top of eachother trying to get higher. It fels a bit like madness. Bunch of spam, bunch of bots and a few boobs.
I am still here it cant be so bad. I just had to find the right group of people to interact with....but it wasn't easy. The feeling of not belonging is still strong sometimes. Which I think is sad...not to flatter myself or thinking my content is that good....but I think steemit could use a few of me. Regular people who are not so worried bout the $ but are here more or less to mingle.