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RE: How Steem Protects Free Speech Without Promoting Hate Speech

in #steemit6 years ago

What stops them from doing that is that steemit and any other front end that has ethics will blacklist them while subsequently the whales and large stakeholders will counter such things so as not to devalue the token by the lack of policing. It could easily turn into the top 19 witnesses locking all that steem into the account and removing any and all permissions from the account through unanimous consensus.

Posted using Partiko Android


That's a horrible answer... that answer is exactly why Facebook, twitter and all are going to fail.

They had people with "ethics" determining what should be hidden from people.

Yes, lets start with those racist KKK members, then lets get rid of those deplorable people that have an opposing political belief, once the precedent is set and the capacity to do so is proven... then it's just the decision of who to block.

First, this playing dumb trying to look smart, Ive never understood the goal with that. Seriously, 3 sentences, only 1 was compound and you struggle?? Not a good look man.

If you want a club that is exclusive, make it as exclusive as you want. If you are calling yourself an open and censorship resistant platform, then no. UNLESS they are accepting responsibility for every crime that occurs, because then they vecome publishers who are responsible for the published content.

BTW - the examples you mention really cross the boundary into criminal activity, and cutting out that content and presenting it and related evidence to authorities is completely justified. You really should have throught through your position, because i just pointed out the effects that this would cause.

Facebook and Twitter, they are dancing on that head of the pin, claiming to be an open platform BUT wanting to maintain the privileges that come with being publishers. And they BOTH have FAR WORSE to face if they are determined to be publishers. You are treating this as final while they are still in the process of committing the crimes, not yet at the point where these actions face a legal determination. (The cases that have occurred DO NOT favor your position)

I didn't attack your character, YOU made the decision to pretend like 2 simple sentences and a compound sentence was confusing, yet you now expect me to believe you understand the legal issues at play??

I've seriously never understood the intent of that tactic you tried, it's never worked, and even if you came out and quoted laws to back up your position, I'm still left with the mentality that "hey, how is this guy legal expert when he barely grasped the grammar?"

Edit: Re-read your first response to me where you directly attacked my character, I point out your tactic to play dumb trying to look smart, and you start crying....

It's exactly a demonstration why people that want censorship are far too child-like to make those types of determinations. We end up with this type of faggotry.