You mean if he retaliated by threatening everyone (the network with spam) for the behavior of one individual? Instead of going head to head with his adversary he lost all credibility as decent folk in my book, lest as someone who can appreciate the art of war.
I have one account and I am getting flagged nonstop by htooms because I exposed him for autoflagging fulltimegeek because one of his sockpuppet accounts, hebrew flagged my post about ironically suggesting a new system for flagging/downvoting. He has stopped flagging fulltimegeek while he expressed that he was going to flag him for six straight months over that one flag which I believe was completely justified, as no whales should ever self vote and extract a good percentage of the reward pool with their $50k accounts as they claim that they have enough money nor through collusive voting from their $3k sockpuppet accounts, and I think that nobody should ever engage in a flag war over one instance of a flag especially when the person isn't the least bothered, as fulltimegeek didn't even say ANYTHING about being flagged for DAYS on all his comment.
For what it's worth I believe that htooms deserved that, he was self voting himself the majority of upvotes, and he can still do that under that radar with his nuked self, and socketpuppet voting on top of autoflagging with 4 accounts. If you follow the thread where I exposed him you will be faced with an uncomfortable reality: neither him nor his steem discord buddy fyrst were ever on at the same time, at least not for the first 3+ days he was on the scene, every instance of activity is an alternating pattern in between his account and fyrst's, not one instance of concurrent activity from these two that are regularly on the steem discord at the same time. To top it all off he called me a dicksucker for questioning his behavior, so no reason from me or anyone else to hail him as some kind of respectable member of the community, least as someone that the platform benefited from.
As for seablue, and her spectacle. My first interaction with her was her one comment she left on my post (the post was about something different but he had flagged that), when I exposed fyrst for gestural antagonistic voting and confronted him for supporting anonymous blackmail extortion racket of blacklist. She flagged me and tried to marginalize my questions to "blame game finger pointing" and told me to take it elsewhere after she said she doesn't like me, on my first interaction with her. Now she has made a spectacle of what is happening in between her and bernie, and I believe it's nobody's business besides them too, but in her play by play of "days of flagged" posts she articulated that she has no sympathy for fulltimegeek for being flagged for who knows how many straight days by htooms and his 3 other sockpuppet accounts, and expressed her gratitude for his support in voting for her and her spectacle. That is not respectable and people that encourage this emotional crap aren't concerned about communicating why it is happening or solving the issues, it's very much the projection of "finger pointing and blame game" that plays well into the offender and the "im such a victim" but not in any constructive direction or least one seeking for accountability for wrong behaviors.
lol. I can definitely count on you to be thorough ;) I really only responded to the post because Risk is a good guy, and I wanted to show him that there is a community here that does care. I tend to think Risk didn't know noganoo, he was only questionning whether the community would care enough to intervene on someone such as himself's behalf if they were being harassed. I actually didn't care for the user in question, which is pretty unusual for me, as I like most people. But he had a victim mentality, as well as a tendency to call posts trash if they contained swear words which he based on his christianity. And actually when a friend of his tried to show him, kindly, how he was the cause of his own misery he attacked this friend, which is what ultimately led to me not feeling sorry for him or particularly caring for him. And that was quite a long while back, before his account started being autoflagged.
As for the rest of what you know I love you, lol, but I can't focus on who is using what as an alternate account, if I involved myself in the politics and negativity on this platform I wouldn't enjoy being here. As it is, I really love this place, I think there are far more great people than shitheads. I also think that people are people, meaning not perfect, also meaning that sometimes people can be great and the very same people can be shitheads depending on the situation.
And you like men, right?