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RE: Who is downvoting my posts! | Read THIS POST!

in #steemit7 years ago

You assume that because Ignoring shares a majority of letters and placement with Ignorance it's the same thing, more proof you have the comprehension of an idiot when it comes to your native language. You're quite fond of omitting your thoughts instead of completing them, which is directly demonstrating your use of the logical fallacy of Draw your own conclusions, letting the conclusion to be reached by the audience instead of concluding your thoughts and directly saying what you mean.

Do keep claiming all these things, it's epic how hilarious and entertaining your idiocy can be, and so far it only goes on the record in respect to your lack of logic, appalling use of language and complete disregard for integrity, not only have you attempted to censor me while you cry that censorship is evil, but you've outright lied numerous times and any observer can clearly see that. Each time you respond to my comments directly pointing out something I said it's not a matter of coincidence but clearly the result of my words being burned into your mostly empty, cobweb ridden cavity where intelligence was supposed to be cultivated. For example you said pissing in the wind right after I remarked that you don't have a pot to piss in, you idiot.


You love demonstrating your ignorance dont you DICKHEAD?

Waits for the next ignorant wall of text to ignore, like this dickhead is doing...

Here's an idea, fuck off, get a life and stop giving me reason to abuse u ehhh fucktard!!!!
You first comment blew your one and only chance, but DICKHEAD doesn't get it yet!!!!

Here's an idea, fuck off, get a life and stop giving me reason to abuse u ehhh fucktard!!!!
You first comment blew your one and only chance, but DICKHEAD doesn't get it yet!!!!

Stop being that dumb fucktard, grow a brain and find somebody else to talk at