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RE: Top Leadership Quotes for the Socially Responsible, by J. Michael Pinson

in #steemit8 years ago

you keep attacking successful people

Another lie in the long list of lies, you want some cold reality, you said people forced you to harass them.

your hate against the American Dream has you blinded.

You cannot resolve one complete thought, it's all ellipsis after ellipsis, what does that even mean, and what are you trying to conclude with ...?
What hate, where was it directed at the american dream? Are you that big of a cunt that you believe your nonsense would stay up after you ousted yourself as a bully, who was forced to threaten others and call them names, and harass.

dont fall for the communist BS that is spreading across the world today

Another soundbite!The nonsense, because I was discussing how communist bs is spearing in the world, or attacking successful people or hating against the american dream, you can keep tacking on as many things you want, it won't change the fact that you're quotes are the equivalent of "don't judge people based on their greediness" And that is the same as "class war doesn't exist" "classism doesn't exist" and the privileged aren't exempt from mandatory education. The rich are very different than regular people, and that is not advocating communism, that is advocating a realism of "rich people are different, we have studies that exemplify how and what makes them different, and we can even say why".

based on your post, you want everyone to be poor...that is Communism...

Why and how, exemplify it, demonstrate it.