Denial is a motherfucker, you didn't threaten to spam gay porn, you simply stated the fact "if you don't remove your flags I will post gay memes all over your stuff for ever".
You weren't curated as no value, you were removed of revenue, the revenue was stolen? No, nobody has the missing revenue, well some say they do (those evil whales who flag so they can bring up their content) because people can curate things negatively, it means censorship, even though people can still see the content and respond to the content and the content is not altered at all, you can still see the content where it was originally posted, when, everything, but it's censorship if the content is curated negatively. Revenue therefore means would be gains from rewards still being voted on, where you reason that because people can vote against rewards, it means censorship, because mute, because flagging is censorship, and curation, even though it hardly meets the criteria for "cannot be seen" you idiot.
Having fun making long irrelevant rants?
aww no long irrelevant rants about crap that has nothing to do with the points?
not going to rant about something that has nothing to do with the negative rep I hold now?
Have fun proving over and over to everyone how full of it u are.
Compared to the -7.9 one single person put me at a -3 sounds nice.
Yu should change ur name to "Blah" cause that's all that comes out your mouth.
lah blah blah blah blah.
look at the lastpost you made and the response you got from your followers.
give it up yo.
or don't and keep acting a fool with your constant attempts to get attention.
if i was to do whatever you claim is "redeeming myself" in your eyes how would you do anything about it?