The masses, a faceless shared account? You, want to start shit yet again with
"subtlily attacking dan"
rambling irrelevant stuff while completely avoiding the real accusations ( excessive whales upvotes and your content is not worth the money)
The real accusations? Excessive whale upvotes? and.. your content is not worth the money? From the same account that was posting "pizzagate is fake news" and spreading their fear mongering message "investigating or talking about pizzagate is exactly what they want you to do, and you don't have any idea what they have in store for us" LMAO. You find it hilarious? YOU? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I find it hillarious that YOU equated pedophilia to LGBT and claimed you know that the way to beat the elite is to think like a deprived sick elite and urged everyone to stop talking about pedophiliacs in power because "Once it's global you have to pay attention" and excused pedophiliac behavior by the elite by saying "they have been doing this for a long time" you pedophiliac supprter creep. Get the fuck away from this discussion, you funny in the wrong way creature.
Calm down, mate.
You just stated that you're aware it's a shared account, so how do you even know you're talking to the person who said that shit?