Bollywood Actress Esha Gupta Recent hotshoot pics goin viral in social media. Recently, Actress has done a sexy photo shoot, where she looked hot in a black lingerie. Esha Gupta took media to share her photo shoot pics posing in black lingerie. Esha Gupta always been recognised for her uber-glamorous avatar. As she poses in noting but a black thong, the actress flaunts the tattoo on her back and stares right in the camera with a sensuous look on her face. And, it is no surprise to watch that Esha shed her clothes with such ease and panache.
Isn’t it too hot to handle? This is not the firth time the actress in flaunting her perfect Curves on social media. A few days ago, she posted a small video giving a sneak peek into a steamy photoshoot.
On work Front Actress will be nest sheen in telugu film alongside actor Sachin Joshi, tiyled veedevadu and the 3rd movie in the all tine favorite comedy series hera pheri titled hera pheri 3. The actress in busy working her upcoming september release Baadshaho which is a period action thriller movie based on 1975 emergency period. The movie will see actors Ileana D Cruz, Ajay Devgn and Esha recently released and got a phenomenal response. Directed by Milan Luthria, the movie is set against the backdrop of the Emergency in 1975. Film is slated to brelease on September 1,2017
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