Hey Steemit Community, hope you all are doing great today!
Thought I'd share these amazing sites with you wonderful folks. Time to step your game up!
Check out crytpocurrencychart.com
You can basically track and monitor all the crypto's you've invested in on a single graph. Makes things so much simpler than having to find each one's trend on CoinMarketCap. What's great is it tracks all the Top 400 coins and lets you make your own custom graph! (click 'Custom Chart' and start adding)
You can have the charts split into 3-4 groups and then bookmark each (for coins <$1, $1 to $10, $10 to $100, and >$100). I think i'll be doing the same.
Looking for a site that doesn't have charts but a number/ dollar figure with a %-age change to monitor and track?
Then maybe give this site a try: cryptocompare.com
You can set up your own portfolio to keep track of the coins you've invested in. The site also offers reviews on wallets, exchanges, and mining companies. Be sure to check it out if you haven't already.
Tired of seeing those annoying ads pop up on CoinMartketCap? Then take a look at this site:
It's still in its beta phase, but I can already see this overtake CoinMarketCap. They're no ads constantly showing up, and it looks way more sleek. What I found most useful about this site is that it warns you of any coins that may potentially be scams! Come on, how can you beat that? lol
My next goal will be to setup a notification system that will alert me when a coin's price has doubled or maybe about to hit rock bottom. If anyone knows of a good site, please do share. Let me know what you think of these sites and if you plan on using them in the future!
Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I hope you found it useful and please be sure to smash that upvote button. Take care and peace!
Ali A
Excellent resource, thanks!
Thanks, glad you liked it! :)