Fresh back from the land of darkness, I emerged wielding a mouse and keyboard, full of determination and drive, to lead our community closer to the LIGHT!
Similarly to new golf players, baseball players, tennis players and almost anything we do in life, there is often a hidden set of rules. Ways to respect the people, and the event/sport/platform itself! Sadly sometimes they are "hidden" rules, not stated clearly for everyone. In this platform, we NEED to throw this "private club" mentality AWAY! SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE FOR WE ALL HAVE TO GAIN!
Dont get me wrong, I love the fact that Steemit is becoming a bigger platform, and more people are joining in on this lifetime journey/ experience. BUT, I do feel it is the "dolphins, and whales" (anyone who has been on steemit/ a steemian veteran) job /priority to educate SUPPORT and guide the "minnows" in a positive direction! For they are the future of Steemit!
So heres the way I look at it!
Whales are the selfless "rewarders" on the platform. They are the accounts that physically upvote and curate/promote awesome content (we all know theres alot of it on here). They are the ones that make STEEMIT grow, thus increasing user/awareness and increasing the VALUE of Steemit (since they are whales, they have so much STEEM/SP that they should be focusing on increasing the value of Steem, not upvoting their own posts (making pennies in comparison to if they built the platform and increased the value of Steem (blowing up their already spent investment.)) This may sound crazy but I feel it is a whales duty to not self upvote, but rather to spread the rewards to those who will then spread the word of STEEMIT in a positive light.
The dolphins are the "finders". They are the accounts that have been on STEEMIT and have an eye for talent and great content. They are the ones who, through upvoting original content, bring the truly great content to light for these deep sea creatures known as the whales, who we all know only come up to the surface for air very rarely. Dolphins are a vital part of steemit, as they bridge the seemingly GINORMOUS gap between the minnows and the whales. In other words, they are able to talk to whales and spread great minnow content. They also have a dual factor. These are the most likely in my opinion to hit the trending page (as they bridge the gap between the $ upvotes (whales), and the # upvotes (minnows). They are in the perfect zone if they do their job correctly. With this in mind they must use their keen eye for great content in two ways. To both create their own content and to also find minnows content! The dolphin earns its rewards via both small personal investment into SP as well as author payouts etc.
Your jobs are "simple" and by that I mean straight forward. Create great content, market STEEMIT, and earn crypto in the form of STEEMIT! Find your passion, and push it and connect with those on the platform. Create really original, creative and eye popping content!!! Keep swimming, we know there are THOUSANDS of you! You will be seen in due time (any of us who have been here for a while know your pain, Trust ME.)
Some Minnows and Dolphins may be looking at me like...
And a bunch of Whales are probably looking at me like this...
But hear me out...
The fact is that this platform is more or less ran and guided by the users themselves. That is the double edged sword that is Steemit! There is free reign here, but we all must look out for each other and teach each other to become better and to understand the "rules" of this platform. We all control whether Steemit makes it or breaks it!
With this said, I have several tips on ettiqute for the new Steemian user! Keep in mind this is my opinion, based on what I have seen and experienced personally. This is my advice to improve your experience, minimize the learning curve!
As the saying goes "you are only as strong as your weakest link, so lets hit this metaphorical gym BRO! PUMP IT!"
TIP #1:
People will not upvote garbage. Put some time, effort and most of all, THOUGHT! Post with integrity, passion, and courage. Put that thing out there that you love but have never shared. Make that dance routine, sing that song, create that idea that you have had weighing on your brain!
TIP #2:
Nobody is gonna wipe you ass for you, so why would they market your content for you?! NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK!
Networking is 90% of setting yourself up for success on Steemit. You could post great content, but not be able or willing to network that post. Think of it like this, If Steve Jobs or Bill Gates never left the garage where the creative genius was occurring and pushed it to someone, they would have never become what they are(were). You must get out there via or Discord (I prefer discord because of the voice chat) and promote yourself, your ideas, your posts etc. That is the key to truly unlocking Steemits full potential.
OKOKOK sheesh!...
TIP #3:
Ultimately, its your time being spent... ENJOY THAT SHIT!
We are all on here to improve our financial standing, this is true. Although some may say not, ultimately this is the purpose. But that needs to be left at the door. DO NOT LOOK TO STEEMIT FOR MONEY! This will do two things as I have personally seen and felt:
- Diminish the happy feeling you get from sharing something you worked hard on, enjoyed or poured you heart into (personal story) etc.
It will lead to more stress and more unhappiness if you expect to post something in the beginning and make a bunch of money off the post. I have had this happen to me! We all understand how much time it takes to perfect a post, which is why the upvotes and resteems dont come easily. So you should be posting about something you love, enjoy, etc! Enjoy the process, and people will enjoy the resulting product! VIBES ARE REAL! ITS ABOUT QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY!
- You will get discouraged and your posting process will show.
You will notice you wont post as much, wont care as much about post quality, or will stop posting all together. This is the exact opposite of what you want to do! Keep the posts coming my friend! The more you get out there, the more people will see you! LOVE WHAT YOU DO AND DO IT WITH LOVE!Love all my Steemian followers and appreciate every upvote and resteem! I am so proud and happy to be on this journey with you all.STEEM ON!"FOR THE STEEMIANS, BY THE STEEMIANS!""UNITED WE STAND STEEMIANS"
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SMOKE.Network Discord:
@ADSactly and the entire ADSactly Community, They are doing amazing things! Come check out the community!
Steemit is the Key... and Love is the driver!
Come on by and give EosTalk a try! You'll love the community and the knowledge! I know I do!
EosTalk Discord :
Great post. Thank you much for laying alot of things out. Great ideas aswell.
Of course my friend! Take care!
Where do I start?
Well the first thing is that this might be the SINGLE BEST POST I have seen on Steemit yet so bravo for that 👏🏾
Myself and @poeticsnake had a 90 minute conversation this morning and we literally spoke about all of the above. And then I read your post.
All of your post is so on point that I cant even begin to highlight certain points. But the thing I will touch on is the GINORMOUS gap you talked about. It certainly is daunting for the newbies but folk do not realise that anything worth doing takes time.
People MUST realise this is not a get rich quick scheme.
As well as that I really loved your names for the other Social platforms out there!
Really amazing post and I am so glad you made this. I believe it will help EVERYONE who reads it.
Well done pal
Thank you man! Yeah this is my vision for a more sustainable, fair and well rounded way to grow and nurture steemit for what it is. The power is in all of our hands. We all just must do what is right for the platform and for each other within it!
Nice tips and recommendation, if we can only get our act together then we can send the value of Steem to the moon!
I am looking forward to Steemit success... with people like you inside this platform it surely will. :)
Thank you very much! with people like yourself it will also!
how do you feel about voting bots? are they going to help steemit grow or are they going to make it die?
I think they ultimately can help the steemit community grow and prosper. I think they definetly need to be changed and such. Nothing is perfect! I think there needs to be a huge push on educating the minnows on the upvote bots et, and changing the dynamics of these bots. Rather than attack the bot creators etc for seeing an opportunity and having the skills to take it. Very good question my friend!
Thanks for taking the time to answer :)
bows graciously into the shadowsI hope you might enjoy my insights @thejohalfiles . I want to apologize for maybe getting overly aggressive in my attempt to comfort you during hard times. I stand by what I said as I have had many losses in life! (many many) I hope all is well, and I hope we may mend this seemingly pointless divide. Take care my friend. Till we may next chat
@bambam808 as a minnow is appreciate the tips :)
Of course. This is of course only my opinion but I feel I have seen the troubles most minnows go through and have been fortunate and driven enough to push through them. Its not easy, but most things worth it in life never are easy!
@bambam808 You are truly a good human.
Thats a Great Tips and recommendation...I appreciate it @bambam808
Thank you bowing deeply
This may sound crazy but I feel it is a whales duty to not self upvote, sounds crazy.
They invested tens, hundreds or millions of dollars in the platform and you don't want them to profit from it?
yup..that's crazy.
I most definitely want them to profit from their investment, I think they can gain much more on their investment from growing the price/value of STEEM (over taking basic upvote/post payouts) I could and started to get into the very basic basic math of it (chose to keep it simple and remove the basic average math), but for anyone over lets say over 250k SP, they gain more from increasing value of STEEM vs personal upvoting and collecting payout rewards (not to say they cant add a bit by self upvoting). That is all I meant. I look at ROI, and most whales stand to gain a whole bunch more by increasing/pushing the value of STEEM (increasing the value of their initial investment)
wonder who the big boys are?
reckon that they can do the math?
I am sure they can. as I said in my post these are my opinions on the matters at hand. With the recent attacks on upvote bots etc. Its easy for the "blame" to be misplaced. Not that I feel plan should be placed anywhere.
We just all must understand and play our roles. I think there is a happy medium we can all find where whales can make $ on posting, as well as spending the majority on increasing the value prop of STEEMIT as a platform and as a currency (thus doubly increasing their investment)
destroy all bots
they are parasites
they are a REAL Danger to the ecosystem.
however...I'm barely a dolphin...

I can't control anything or anyone
(not that I'd want to)
so I'll just
while I can.
If Steemit goes tits up.
I'll STILL have the money I've already made.
Yessir. bows
Well said!! We all just need to come together and help eachother out. That is what a community is suppose to do…right? Steemit is a garden…dig it!!!
Exactly, now its not AS easy as you say... Unfortunately. But I do agree that we can all work towards a common goal of success. (each sticking to our rolesas minnows dolphins and whales)
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Know your role, and do your best.
"This may sound crazy but I feel it is a whales duty to not self upvote, but rather to spread the rewards to those who will then spread the word of STEEMIT in a positive light." BINGO , great thought... In the long run this strategy would create a longer sustainable model which in turn would equal even greater rewards/ROI. So it's the old dilemma of the Fast Nickle or the Slow Dime. But it work both ways. The Whales need assurance that Steemit is viable for this long term approach. This requires greater communications from all the powers that be (behind the scenes). It also requires hard work from those expecting to be "noticed" and keep serving up the good content. It also requires a great deal of cooperation amongst total strangers. What an Epic task at hand and how lucky are we to be part of this Saga? Can we do it? Either way, everyone needs to enjoy the Journey along the way and have fun as well. I've only been here 45 days and still have a bunch to learn but feel encouraged things will work out as we all have a vested interest in Steemits LONGTERM Success. Even more so with Dlive, DSound, Dtube, Dmania, Utopian etc + more linked sites to Steemit on the horizon. Keep them tips coming (picture me scratching my neck right now like Dave Chapelle lol).
Exactly. Thank you for dropping this bit of wordage. I totally agree. I loved the "fast nickle or the slow dime" although with Steemit its the fast dollar or the slow thousand.! hahaha! btw I noticed you are from PHX. I went to school up at NAU!!! LUMBERJACKS! hahahahha
Uncle BamBam wants YOU! 😂
But the users really are the driving factor to Steemit and all the support the 'veterans' offer to the newer people is of big help in growing the platform in the right direction!
Thats all I am saying... People gotta pay a little (in upvotes that cost nothing other than the minus from not upvoting ones self.) These people whos votes are worth alot will stand to gain huge from a model like this.
Hey great post man! I learned a lot, thanks for the help Ginger Samurai🙌
Thank you for your support my friend. I look forward to chatting!
he is a great man.