Steemit is Dead

in #steemit7 years ago

I can't wait to leave this platform. Invested about 30% of my portfolio a few months ago to see what would happen with this platform but I gotta say after also investing a considerable amount of time understanding how the community functioned I didn't like what I saw.

It favors whales and bots too much and it isn't a good place for any content other than cryptocurrency news. Even at that the content is usually thats taken from another source like twitter or youtube.

To go further it's useless, i can't get any info on here of any value that i could get elsewhere, i get that it's early, i get the idea i get the fact that people do use this, but even if it were to pop that would be under the assumption that regular people outside of crypto would use it for stuff much like reddit or youtube, I don't see that happening. Maybe if they buy out steemit sure, but i thought this was decentralized so that's not going to happen

I got in an interesting conversation with a OCD curator on the last post I made on this but he's one of those moms basement fellows, so of course he flagged the post even though it didn't violate any of the rules. It's this steem culture of don't you dare leave, sell or power down or we'll come get you. Speak negatively on the state of the platform and you'll be shot down. The idea that i have to kiss up to and send money to whales or invest enough to protect or promote my posts through selfvoting bots just doesn't promote good content.

Stop the bots produce better original content.

Even better, the bulk of the content is someone pulling a color picture off page 17 of google images.

Let's go back to curated pages for a sec too. Take OCD again, they get a rediculous amount of upvotes on every post, usually at least 100 upvotes and a good chunk of change beyond that. I have no bitch with the payout structure but there's something very important to look at, and ironically that's the views. Many of these pages, not just the curators but even content creators aren't getting views. So when you look at a post in you feed you're shown the current payout, amount of upvotes and the amount of comments but not the views. Most of these 100+ upvote posts only have maybe 40 or 50 views. That doesn't seem like a big deal unless you compare that to say reddit where you may get 20 upvotes, but 400 views. Youtube ratios are similar, same for instagram, facebook, soundcloud whatever. This is a major issue for steemit that won't be addressed.

Steemcleaners are great too. I've seen them flag stuff plenty of original content by other people and skip over things clearly poached from the internet, they don't make right anytime they mess up and will upvote themselves to profit regardless.

I get that it's early but I don't see a future in this. I'll lay around in the background waiting for my power down and preach that steemit is dead and when that is over, I'm out.




prices are jumping right now, you are either selling at peak right now or you are selling right before the break out to the moon like last year. I cashed out a while ago but im still here. just because you remove your investment doesnt mean you cant still joke around with us and make some side change while doing so.
shits fucked up i wont argue with you on that infact i agree with most you said but after you remove your investment you still have a chance to make money. also its been in beta sense i showed up. lol

yeah Unfortunaitly :(

Steemit is the Bitconnect of social media. Content and comminity is garbage. It will be worthless soon.

Damn and this post was made 9 months ago. Steemit didn't get any better from the looks of it. Whales & bots are killing this platform. Whales have too much power that neutralized the entire concept of a decentralized platform. And bots make sure any low quality content can fill up the trending pages and make sure to hide away quality contents made by new users. I guess you can see this as a nice experiment and hopefully the next decentralized blockchain based social network will learn from its mistakes.

I almost wish they'd remove the ability to delegate at this point. So the bots can't be used as easily.

i'm gonna mess around a bit more on here but yeah things still look the same here.

Redo it

Damn, I knew something was up when I saw the same guy posting 5 times a day and getting hundreds of views :P Guess its really dead

you basically have to vest a bunch of steem or use bots and vote getters to make any progress on here. It just sucks that there isn't a good way to see actual quality content.

2 years on and what appears to be a corpse still lingers. All of the problems you describe (useless reposts, unhelpful content, only crypto related news) persist.

As someone called time of death yet?