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RE: How To Stir-Fry A Steemit Post

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey @alvinauh, this is an interesting blend of the two themes - nicely illustrated and stitched together.

As you present a common concept in a perspective that is unique to your work experience and cultural background, you create a different flavor to an otherwise extremely common topic.

This is an excellent point made about the unique qualities that anyone of us can bring to our self-expression.

What follows after it....

Similarly, if you were to cook a steak, I'm sure you will agree that a steak seasoned in garlic and pepper tastes way better than a steak that is not seasoned at all. something I am totally unable to have an opinion on, being a life-long veggie and currently plant-only-eater :D

Thanks for the read, enjoyed its flow 👍