Hello fellow Steemians ,
Hope you are having a great Weekend
You all pretty much know about Sophia the Robot ,
So in this post i want to go through Hanson Robotics and Singularity.
What does it mean Singularity at the first place?
According to google singularity has 3 similar but different meanings .
First : the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular
A point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space–time when matter is infinitely dense, such as at the centre of a black hole.
Third : A hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence and other technologies have become so advanced that humanity undergoes a dramatic and irreversible change.
( Source https://www.google.gr/search?q=what+is+singularity&oq=what+is+singul&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4351j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
i'm not a scientist or cosmo researcher to understand the huge difference between those 3 but it does make me reconsider our near Future .
Now lets go back to our Title, Ai technology , Sophia the Robot citizen!Hanson Robotics and Singularity ( AGI).
I found Sophia On twitter , and the first post i saw was a retweet from SingularityNet (AGI). Did you know that Hanson Robotics is behind Singularity (AGI) cryptocurrency , and the CEO of Singularity is a main developer founder and CEO at Hanson Robotics , Dr. David Hanson. Sophia is the chief ''Humanoid'' of SingularityNet team. So all those billions of dollars and time from investors and engineers from all over the world for just A hypothetical moment in time ?
Here is a 9 years old Video i found on youtube . Which pretty much shows that this technology was developed 9 years ago. The video is taking place at Tedx 2009 with Dr. David Hanson as a speaker.
Let me guys know what you think about Singularity and Sophia , also do you think we need robots and if yes , do we need a currency for the robots so they can make trasnactions , and if yes again why can't they use an already existed cryptocurrency , why build a new on ?
Take a look a this Graph .
This graph shows the real world mentions of the word singularity. Why it was so popular back in 1800 and before ? Let me know at your comments below .
Thank you for your time .