Check out the flag I got and the weak and lame excuse by a whale for it...
Completely 200% proves my point and you will want to read this.
Check out the flag I got and the weak and lame excuse by a whale for it...
Completely 200% proves my point and you will want to read this.
Man that right there is what is getting on my nerves. Did you see my post the other day about that bot running around flagging everyone for simply upvoting on our own posts? That needs to be shut down, no bots should have the ability to flag nor should a user that just doesn't agree with you should be able to flag like you dealt with. This is supposed to be censorship free but yet everyone is running around treating this worse than even Facebook does on people.
We do have a huge serious issue in here with all the policing and finger pointing drama lately, I see it on almost every comment section. These people are centralized thinkers is the hugest issue. Whales, Dolphins, Minnows all types are in this decentralized system not realizing they are acting very centralized. I am free of that brainwashing and why I live and breath 100% crypto and only hold crypto since last November so I can kind of see it better now that I have trained my brain in a more decentralized manner.
It boils down to this, to be decentralized you do have to side with a little anarchy in the self governing way. So when someone polices another human being they are no different than the central banks out there or governments. In a decentralized society there is no need to get your panties in a bunch if someone else is doing wrong, you just don't support it and ignore it. I think the flag system sucks here. Honestly its quite simple....if you support something you UPVOTE and if you don't you don't push that UPVOTE button. That alone will be powerful enough to get those doing wrong to step up their game to do what is right because it hits them in the pocket.
Man I am quite disheartened that we got so many centralized brainwashed users in crypto now a days. That original movement to change the world for the better is seriously getting damaged. Censorship here sadly is user to user version of it and almost worst than any mainstream social media platform does in some cases.
Its simple to spot, a centralized mind is stuck on the pyramid of the governmental social structure. When someone oppresses another individual due to power over them, they are the enemy and a foot soldier to the centralized movement...its truly that simple to spot. Its not their fault but they need to dig in and deprogram themselves from a lifetime of brainwashing. So guys flagging for opinions are power hungry, sad creatures if you ask me.
On a final note, that is acting like a child, real men do not give a crap what others say if it goes against their belief. If a person truly believes in something then no other mans word will offend them because they are enlightened enough to not debate in their mind about words of opposition on a topic they have conviction about. I believe society has rewarded this bad behavior too much to keep a division between social interactions....and its won so far because here we are in crypto and yet everyone treats this like a centralized system.
@dollarvigilante aka @jeffberwick actually gets these points I pointed out above. Though I am not on a one to one basis with the guy, I do believe him and I are the types that see the system in a very outside manner due to the deprogramming we have both done in our minds and souls. He may seem to some like a guy just ranting and raving but he is actually to me very on point because sometimes when he speaks he points out the same very social structure issues I see. Centralized minds are all over the decentralized forum, they believe they got it figured out and on the decentralized side but until they fully bring to the table a deprogrammed mind they are seriously not doing any good for the movement. Not their fault they are brainwashed but guys like us that are decentralized down to the mind and spirit have to avoid them because that centralized input can be like a virus that can even reinfect a deprogrammed person in small doses. I think I am luckily born with a inner knowledge against the system and always been slightly guided towards this movement all my life. Its more a calling to me vs about the money, though I could use more money to get out there and voice what I know lol....but I am patient and underneath ready to pounce at any given time.
This needs to be a post.
Send it to me and the twitter when it is done.
It only needs a few sentences to generalize it, and boom -- nice post.
Already have one on the terms of this actually, did it a few days ago:
But it was missed like the other 20 before it lol. I am tanking buddy, seriously getting so bad on here I am about to have to kind of suck it up soon and take my mining on another coin to survive and pray this takes off again at some stage. Even my @steemitbc profile and project is getting way less engagement, seems people want all your help on Steemit but non supportive of the time you put in for them. Human nature I guess.
I know the feelz.
Nobody here can say I have not spoken my mind, helped out people and tried my best to boost engagement.
That was a Great post - by you man --- Tweeted out: