Hi there, figured you would be a good person on a couple of your accounts to get this to today:
Can I ask you to support this post?? It is to help Nolan our 15 year old witness everyone knows as - @theprophet0 - who needs a bit of help. I hope you do not mind this here, it is hard to message people privately esp. if time is of the essence.
TYIA and keep up the good work!!
Sure he is a core member of our team, I will upvote shortly!
God love ya LOL
I figured you would help, TY so much. I know I have worked out with a friend another post is going up tomorrow, around 6 pm EST along the same lines to help him out too.
It's already drafted.
TY for your support and work. I don't know half the stuff you do or talk about but I know it is important LOL