RE: The STEEMU asks "What Are You Blogging About Today?" | E.9 | DROP YOUR LINKS & IDEAS here like mad!! - Pictures - Thoughts - Ideas etc. right here for Community Engagement!! (:
Well, for me it is Sunday eve, so before long I will have to retire. I am out the door at 5:30 a.m. to head to work. Mostly doing household chores and yard work. How about yourself?
Well, for me it is Sunday eve, so before long I will have to retire. I am out the door at 5:30 a.m. to head to work. Mostly doing household chores and yard work. How about yourself?
I was seeing if someone was coming to get me to go for ice cream but it appears this is not happening.
I shall instead eat some fine leftover pizza and see if my stupid KODI box decides to work at all tonite.
Boo on the no ice cream, but leftover pizza is sweet the risk of sounding stupid, what is a KODI box?
Raspberry Pi type boxes with software in it so you can access all kinds of streaming movie and game sites etc etc like this: