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RE: @ned, don't you think it's time to fire @sneak and hire a real CTO?

in #steemit7 years ago

Number 1 I do not like @berniesanders, I was slammed by him and his house of cards not once but 3 times when I was here less than 2 weeks all because of a question I asked @dan, so I don't like him period, and never will.

I think this post is “bad stuff”, but even if you allow for the sake of argument that it is not, it isn’t worth >$100 USD.

226 people voted on this post, some down voted it. Do you think that all those people are stupid. There is no doubt that more people found it valuable than those that did not. If I wanted to upvote an individual that I think is an ASS and reward him, then I would do it. All those people that Upvoted him
You are allowed to upvote or downvote for whatever reason you want, but to downvote just because You think it does not deserve a reward is in very poor taste. I suppose that in your mind since Bill Gates does nothing that he deserves to have no money also.
Yeah I know I just pissed you think different than you. They can see how much the reward is, or do you think they all have blinders on when they vote. That they vote ----Oh look it's @berniesanders Ooh I just love his asinine post so much I always upvote him followers? and ** @berniesanders** off, and I will no doubt get another visit by his house of cards, and then you on top of it. But *(if that happens) I at least have given you both have something in common.


Do you think that all those people are stupid.


Fair enough. Looks like @berniesanders took exception, I am most likely next, but that is life I guess. Sorry I drew @berniesanders ire toward you, I hope I did not have anything to do with it, but you just never know with how people feel or think.