Take a look at this chart Steemians!
Bitshares and Steemit are way undervalued! You can see how many transactions these blockchains process compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum. We are blowing those old dogs out of the water.
So Steem on! Buy and Hodl. The future is bright! This is only the beginning.
When EOS becomes available and finally gets this technology the attention it deserves we will have the freedom we have been dreaming about!
I am wondering where is the volume since april/may coming from? before it was about 50k USD volume a day, and since may07 there are xx millions every day.
I personally think the higher Bitcoin and Ethereum prices are bringing more attention to the crypto space, then people discover Steem, Steemit, Bitshares. These chains have real world value and usefulness. From there they naturally increase in transaction volume.
News are full of bitcoin and newcomers wanting to make some earning on this movement search for other coins too. That seems probable, but one never knows.
No doubt about that!
banks I think are trying to manipulate but they are not able to thus far.
I do agree with you! But only one think with we can do is educate people also
That is a very important point. We are the self-appointed emissaries of this great movement.
thats an amazing chart.
Indeed. It is very telling.
IMO selling BTS at today's prices is nonsense. That is how I feel it.
Agreed! Hodl, hodl, hodl!
Can you give me upvote?
Very motivating. As long as the crypto market remains in this bullish state, we will see the growth we desire. It's only a matter of time.
HODL!!! ;-PSweet post @bbrewer This is what I like to read and think about. I dig it and see it too. So on that note: Power up and
Thank you! HODL indeed!
I'm a crypto noob. I'll have to check out bitshares
I think you will be impressed and glad you did!
Really??? undervalued? You may want to look at real assets like physical gold and silver. Yeah you know that stuff that was considered money for thousands of years before fiat currency kind of like bit coin etc. Don't get me wrong here I have bought a bit of crypto. I do prefer something I can hold in my hand. Digits are becoming increasingly uncomfortable to hold regardless of a bank or crypto. :) While it appears that crypto is going to be the new thing to do for finances. I will not put all into it. I prefer something that I can put my hands on that is not in the system. weather it be block chain or whatever. gold and silver as a currency are extremely undervalued just so you know. If it was ever to be adjusted to real value it would be as ghigh if not higher than bitcoin and or any other crypto . Just saying from what I have leaned from my sources.
I haven't looked at prices of gold and silver lately. I agree we should own some as well. I am nowhere near all in on crypto.
Agree, I'm like 50% SIlver, 10% Gold, 20% Crypto (BTC, LTC), 15% Alt coin, 5% toilet paper (fiat)