Let's be frank inertia, what's clear to those of us who express that what's going on here is wrong is that we are not welcome. The stake holders all indirectly pay this guy to harass people and chase them off the platform. It is literally endorsed by steem. The rest of the minnows are only motivated by what the stake holders are offering.
What happened Facebook when they started favouring their stake holders over user satisfaction? What happened to Digg? And where do you think they get their value? The only reason Facebook survived the way it started favouring business over people is because it already had the world. We on the other hand are still a very niche community. If you think steem can survive without its ordinary non investing users then I think you're confusing this with something other than a social network.
Well Digg is a bad example. They published an "algorithm" that defined a particular behavior that they didn't follow. For STEEM, it's published and strictly adhered to. That it's a surprise to the casual user is immaterial.