Can someone explain us how to calculate the interest rate progression of the SteemPower on our accounts?
I see that people just look at the changes on their wallet page.
But if there is some exponential function, relatively to your balance, than it's not a accurate way to give inside into the growth.
Please HELP!
Go to your steemd-page to see how many vests you have:
One million vests equals to one SP. From mainpage you can see how much is the exchange rate for SP to steem. -> steem_per_mvests (mvests = one million vests = one SP)
Currently it's 206.286 which means that you get that amount of steem for one SP.
But what does this say about the growth? How can we see what the daily growth % is on our SP?
Because steem_per_mvests growth at you can see that your Steem Power growth because shows it in STEEMs, but real SP value still same, if you want to know your real SP please check here:
SP doesn't grows dayly automatically, it's grows only when you receives rewards for your posts or your curation, and looks like:
im not talking about the rewards. the SP is also growing, even when you are not active, but just holding SP
steem_per_mvests is growing constantly. Every day you will get a little bit more steem for your SP.
yes i can see that, but HOW fast and how much , thats te question
From the whitepaper:
Reply from Slack:
pharesim [4:16 PM]
the rate depends on how much liquid steem there is in relation to powered up steem. for every 1 steem created for rewards, 9 are put in the "power pool"
so the more steem are powered up, the slower the growth for each individual holder
I also have lots of questions is there some sort of chart to view?