Quality is subjective to the user. You may think one as quality and I think of it as a crap post. I think if people invest time into writing a post though, it can be deem worthy to someone in some ways because that BS might make someone laugh (at the person, not with the person). The issue more with trending is the person deeming their post is worthy of that bidbot value, not of the post material itself, right? If I wrote a PB&J food post and only bidbot it to $50, no one would have a problem with it. So it is the behavior that is frowned upon, not the quality of the post, per se. Although I still think my cookie post was way funnier than the other cookie post in trending.
I still don't know what to make of this platform. I'm starting to understand why people would invest in here and sell their votes or passively delegate. Why bother writing? Not many people will read the post unless you are in the right circle. User your Thor hammer and strike terror down on here. ;)
Always working on it.