New users, new success stories, new users, new success stories, new users, so on and so forth. An endless new feed of new interested parties, driven to steem through people they know becoming avid supporters. The price of steem even at a penny will still turn out to profit some people, unlike bitcoin where everyone is successful together or unsuccessful together.
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Right on! Ultimately if the price of Steem drops, there'll be more people powering up for cheap, which will in turn keep the ecosystem stable as well. More win win situations to think about here. Good points :)
Interesting, I didn't even realize that side of the equation! I personally love the fact that quality feedback and interaction is so easy to come by here, making it easier to get what we really want from a social network. Almost as if the fact that curation and feedback is monetarily incentivized, makes the cost value of our feedback "cheaper" as opposed to facebook where a comment or something just costs effort without much reward other than social value.
Absolutely! People will choose Steemit of Facebook or any other social platform for that reason only. And there are many more reasons as well :)