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RE: Steem/steemit experiment part 1.

in #steemit6 years ago

Why? You're already boring me. You have 576 followers FFS, I'm already regretting the time I've wasted on this back and forth with the likes of you.


Then fuck off, hows about that!

Sounds good to me! Back to exactly how things were 15 minutes ago.

Enjoy your conspiracy games!

Proven conspiracies, are you a Freemason by any chance? Like I need to ask, have a great evening, all the same, P.S. independent journalists rock. :-)

What I am or am not is none of your business.

I fully support independent journalism, as well as fiction writers like yourself.

The deflection techniques are excellent as is your join date, pre alpha, before 31st March 16 , noted, :-) Found a pow did you