Make sure you read through the new Terms Of Service, if you're going to accept them! Steemit involves your money, so you want to be aware of the rules! You can find it at:

Make sure you read through the new Terms Of Service, if you're going to accept them! Steemit involves your money, so you want to be aware of the rules! You can find it at:
I just accepted the terms of service and privacy policies, I believe steemit is trying to roll out something special for the community .
Lol, I accepted without reading already. XD
Thanks for link
haha for sure! I figured most would be! :)
Lol, reading it now.. I assumed it was the same as the white paper
I read it, they always induce yawns, then a good snooze.
You're right, by default I avoid the tos like plagues. Guess steemit is different
haha same!! Steemit though, is too important for me!
Well said😉
Thanks would do that;-)
Wise words, money is involved 😁
Today I got the message like this.
I'm also accepting
Make sure you read! :)
I accepted.
Because either way if you don't accept your money would be locked inside anyways
true true, but I do recommend reading so you at least stay aware and can make any changes necessary if it causes problems for you.
True also
Nothing special there just standards stuff
Are there any changes, one must know? It’s too long to read.
You're going to the right, by default, due to the plagues avoiding the toss, doing the amount of work outperforming the odd jobs.
It seems very good to me of Steemit to create a notification of this type at the beginning. In the same way we have to accept.
The important thing is that the platform invites us to take a look at the regulations to be aware of everything, even if it is tedious.
I was afraid, my account was not dropped? After reading it I did not think much, I am new and I do not have much money, so it is a little afraid.
Hi @biddle i accepted the terms without read nothing hehehe it's the most common what are the key points about privacy you find there?. Saludos
yeah today while sign in i got this messg i accept and didn't read but now reading
Yeah...Today I login my account then came above terms message. We want to be aware now. Thanks @biddle.
Actually I think that's great work steem developing team got. We need to accept the new Terms Of Service. If not cannot log in. This is special feature. Just excellent.
I read completely before login own steemit account.
Got some smart option of steem blockchain.
Yes, that's really important and we can see that the official post which is posted by SteemitBlog received many questions because many have different kind of doubts and after reading those doubts there are many questions which are pinching. But, thanks for this awareness post.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
I read the new terms of service. Nothing much has chnaged, it looks fine to me.
This story is so nice, hope that you will write again. This post will be helpful to us in many ways. Thank you very much for your sweet post dear.
I guess without accepting them you cant really use Steemit .
so clicked it !
every site is greeting with that now a days after the GDPR updated policies
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