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RE: [Minnow Code of Conduct] How one Minnow would like to see the rest of the school behave.

in #steemit9 years ago

I would like to say that I joined today but was spammed your post in my comments. fuck you and your 4 posts a day rule! your post just made someone quit not even 3 hours into the server. fuck you and your 4 post a day rule!!!!!!!!!! im out. hope you enjoy your dead server that you are creating! fuck you and now fuck steemit because of you! have fun pushing hot sluts like me away. I would have fucked for a buck and done something strange for some change. your loss. glad I didn't get the other hoes to join after dealing with this shit! fuck you and fuck steemit for the abuse you are inforcing. 4 posts a day, fuck off and enjoy a dead server faggot.
all the other dancers I work with will be avoiding this site after I tell them how steemit treats girls.
the person that got me to join (you know who you are) ima woop ur ass tomorrow. telling me that is better then its not, buncha douche bags falggin me when all I want is attention. fuck steemit! not gona get this pussy no more! assholes! ima spread the word around about this site, fucking joke! you re killing the server you are on! w t f is wrong with u all?