
Why thank you. It takes a village!

Thank you for your contribution. Do you know when we will be able to upload avatar ?

I don't have any insights into that. I should probably ask, maybe it's something I can help with.

Sorry to bother again but there is a feature that would be great too which is drag and drop image in the submit story form , many user don't know how to upload image and have complained about this. peace

I don't have any insights into that. I should probably ask, maybe it's something I can help with.

I think if we can all upload a pic instead of default avatar it would create a cooler, warmer atmosphere if you know what I mean. Also it would be great to have avatar on your profil page and be able to upload wallpaper. A bit like facebook,twitter,etc..
I have seen many user demand that feature so people will be very happy if you could build it, I definetely will be :) Again thanks for all you do.