
Thank you so much! That's such a great compliment :-) I'll definitely keep posting as much as I can to keep you guys informed and keep hope alive! Money, just like stocks / cryptocurrencies etc., these are all institutions of faith and it will be faith that steadies your hand as we get through this pull-back. You would be preaching to the choir if you told me that Bitcoin wasn't just as much an emotional investment of yourself as much as it is a financial investment, but I can't repeat that enough for people. As you watch your money float up and down and sideways across the board the emotional elements of it all can sometimes be too much for some people to take. It's not like a video game, the coins have deeply real value, and it's not like betting on a hand of Poker because the steaks aren't nearly as high in my opinion because a bet on bitcoin is a win no matter what, you just have to wait it out... But for the inexperienced or even the experienced but for those who are new to trading Bitcoin, if you don't give it enough time, or even if you got sucked into the hype of making fast money and when you don't make the money fast enough you get upset - the emotional side of trading this stuff sets in and you will lose sleep, you will lose weight, you will lose your mind if you let it get to you but I want to keep posting these blogs and reiterating myself as much as possible to Quail the dismay because even though I might not have the most money in the world and I might not be the most experienced guy in the world at doing this, I can at least help with the emotional side of what we are all embarking on by investing into cryptos. It's fun, it has the potential to change your life and so many positive ways, we just have to ignore the media just like we do in every other facet of Our Lives, Keep On Keepin On! I'm really happy you're reading my blog and I'll keep posting as much as possible to stay connected with you guys :-), thank you for the comment!!