I like the idea very much! However, as Steemit continues to grow, these curation efforts will become harder and harder to keep up. Also, it seems, for the most part, your proposal would suggest to whales to take their delegation away from a wildly profitable endeavour, which is Upvote Services which I doubt they will.
I'd say that Upvote Services are a much larger problem than people realize. With each upvote that is shelled out, that amount is taken out of the rewards pool. It also completely ruins the sorting algorithm as a piece of content that organically earned $100 in upvotes from creating awesome content, would sit next to a piece of trash which upvoted themselves for $100.
Since everybody uses Upvote Services, the playing field is aritifically heightened. For your content to ever see the light of day is $10 earnings before anyone even sees your content.
You would have to first, spend money, which gets taken out of the reward pool, and paid to a whale.
I have created 2 in-depth posts, one, identifying the issue and how it is negatively impacting Steemit as a whole, and another, posted on utopian.io as a proposed solution. You can find them here :
Growing Unhappiness with Upvote Bots on Steemit
Proposal for New 'Promoted' Function
I seriously think this is a major problem facing Steemit right now and will continue to make Steemit more and more toxic until somethings changes. I sincerely believe that the solution I have came up with will alleviate the issue as well as bring a positive impact to Steemit. As of right now, I am focusing on bringing more awareness onto the proposal in hopes of it ever being implemented. Please do check it out if you have the time.
Thank you!
seems to me, someone one, perhaps even me, should make a steemit blockchain based website that filters out the 'upvoted by bot' content value. of course this does nothing for them leeching the system, but i think i'd enjoy the content more.
The issue is that with the current state of Steemit, that would eliminate a good chunk of all content in circulation. We clearly need a massive change to see this issue ridden of.
if the whales are sellouts just to make money, that greed will destroy steemit.
Then we are set to die along with it unless something is done. Somehow it really seems like every whale is avoiding me. I have tried very hard to reach out.. I posted on @jerrybanfield's post about Upvote Services, it is the no.1 comment on the page and he skipped me completely, and went on to upvote and comment on replies below me. Right below my comment @frystikken, the owner of @booster and also a witness, somehow didn't see my comment or couldn't be bothered to reply as my proposal is in direct competition with his extremely profitable endevour.
well i wouldn't reach out to the ones clearly abusing the system.
one thing, that is calling my attention now, is to focus on the wanted instead of the unwanted, and that is something i'm seeing fulltimegeek doing. he is promoting those that are thinking/acting independently. i liked this post ... so there are those working in the other direction. but maybe the answer isn't to destroy but just to do our best to not support those that using it, and finding those that do it right. my feed is actually getting better than 'trending' because of resteems/posts of those i'm following.
so i've not lost all hope yet, greed is a powerful drug, but it self destructs on lack of creativity.
I sincerely believe that Upvote Service owners don't have poor intentions on the matter, it may just be that at some point the profits become to intoxicating.
Thank you very much for the reference! I actually read that post and left a long long reply on his open forum post!
Indeed! I have not lost hope either, I have decided that I truly feel the need for my proposal to be taken seriously is important enough that I will keep pushing forth and bringing awareness to it as well as writing a proposal 1.1 adding new stuff and refining on existing points.
I don't have any dream that this would be a permanent solution regarding the size of steemit, but what we need right now is to clean up the platform, and this would be the quickest and easiest approach in my opinion.
Vote selling yeah... well I haven't done the maths as to its profitability compared to my idea, but I don't think it's impossible that they could make just as much money from priority-selling. Using curation teams vastly spreads out that reward pool to a much larger field, and as more whales get on board, the bigger and more numerous curation teams become: more money for the many, but including the elites.
I actually have had a thought about your idea more, and I think it is a good solution.. I will integrate it into my proposal 1.1 and give you credit accordingly!