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RE: What is appropriate use of upvote bots? A survey.

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi inquiringtimes.. I am quite agreed.. When i joined steemit i wonder how many newbies got so many sbds while i am gaining only pennies even after hard work of 5 or 6 hrs.. Actually it was really frustrating for me.. So i start analysis of such posts and come to know about these bots.. But really its true that my mind was not accepting thus thing mean vote buying thing.. I thought that if someone write good content then appreciation and upvotes are his right and so no need of buy any vote and if someone is not doing good then buying vote is totally wrong for a shit content coz it cause frustraton and disappointmnt in new users specially like me as in start we are not aware of bot type things here..
But i was to much disappointed few days ago when i wrote a post with hard work of 8 hrs coz i translated its contents from my language to english then typed it and then copy pasted in steemit.. But this earned only 0.74sbd and few upvotes.. It was about girls health.. Actually it turned my views and i decided to experiment bots but really i dont like using it..
So next post i wrote in jerrys contest.. I wrote this story in 5 hrz.. And wait for one hr.. It got nothing but 1sbd.. Then i bought votes fromtwo bots and its went up in trending.. Then i got few more votes on it...
Anywaz i ll wish that i neva need again to buy any vote.. And if my content is good it should be appreciated


there are two problems: content discovery which is that your post is hard for users to find even to find out if it's voteworthy... so you need it to get in front of more eyes in order to be eligable for a vote. The other issue is the matter of what people feel is valuable to them. So the post is valuable to you, doesn't necessarily mean that the people with the voting power think it is. I've tried to write more content that I feel that Steemians in general will want to read, than just whatever I want to write, as a result.

Hmmm.. You are right.. I need to take it infront of many eyes..
How can i do this? By buying upvote? Is it? Or you can give me some other advise to?
And 2nd part is good.. Its precious advice for me.. I ll think about it. And next time ll try select according to peoples mind.. I think i heard once in abusiness strategy that success is business in giving to ppl what they want..
Thanx for good advise