Wow i really liked and appreciated this post. I am guilty of up-voting my own content a few days after i post, i never do it right away. But i thought that was something you were supposed to do?
I have been posting on steemit for about 2 months now and have commented and up-voted many others posts. But i don't seem to be getting views. I feel on an open platform like this where (in my mind) hundreds if not thousands of people can see your post within the minute you post it. Maybe i'm wrong about that and they get lost in a sea of constant posting.
I wish there was a better way to Vet friendships, activity, & people on here. I want to build some solid content creator relationships on this platform. I'm not saying my content is perfect or even always aimed at the majority. I just wish i could reach more people without having to pay SBD to "promote" my post. I do use tags but maybe i should use better ones?
I have used SBD 3 times with my Earned SBD and legitimately saw no difference in viewers or likes. I felt like it was wasted. Maybe someone reading this could guide me in the right direction on how promoting actually works as well.
Try linking up with people on
It is a hosted chat server, with a voice channel, where people are able to develop and nurture collaborative ideas.
I second this. If it was not such a huge distraction for me I'd be there a lot more. It's too easy to get sucked in and lose the day. :) Though I will return from time to time... great place, especially if you REALLY want to learn about steemit, steem, and even other crypto currencies.
Right now this is a big part of the problem. It is a problem known as dicoverability. They are planning on implementing communities sometime soon and when they do that I suspect that will help.
Promoting posts doesn't seem to do much. It was created initially as a way to burn SBD when a few times it was dropping below $1 USD and it is supposed to pegged to the dollar. When you promote you are essentially destroying the currency which reduces the amount in supply and in theory should help increase the price. This is why promotion was created.
I haven't noticed it being truly effective in actually promoting things. I promote most of my posts by a small amount based around one of my favorite numbers, I mainly do it knowing it won't do anything but I am burning a little SBD.
Wow thanks i did not know that, ill keep this in mind. I do wonder how this platform is going to evolve in 2018. I know there is a roadmap ... but it seems since the lead developer left that were stuck in some sort of Beta Limbo ... do you find that to be the case as well?
No... Dan Larimer hadn't actually been doing most of the development for awhile. There is a team of them doing work on this. The community is also very involved since it is open source.