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RE: This Is Why You Cannot Make Steemit Your Full-Time Job Just Yet!

in #steemit7 years ago

The way I see it, and I'm thinking in reference to commission based jobs I've had, I felt like it was foolish to aim for what you needed to make as a goal.

What I mean is; if I needed 1000$/month to get by, I would figure out what would be required to make 2500-3000$ per month, and show that I can hit that goal with relative consistency... In that way, missing the goal still means you can get by.

Where, people who are getting by on their efforts, if suddenly a bad month comes up, and they always do, it's a decision of "what can I cut out to get by" as opposed to "what else do I have to do to make the cut?"

Just my 2cents; also easier for me to say as a noob where the dollars I see slowly building remain more of an abstraction, like the score on a video game than actual money.


Good points. My outlook is wait for pumps, withdraw a bit for the future, accumulate in the dumps and hope you don't get burned by further crashes lol.

But crypto is a beast whose direction we may never fully know for sure. So might as well just play along and as you said, consider it as a video game. That keeps things simple.

The way I see it, because so many new crypto currencies and tokens are being generated on new platforms almost weekly, the value of any individual one is being diluted.

Anyway, the extent of my strategy is to just power up until my votes actually show up on the score. (I've read that is around 100 sp) and not really an interest in selling anything unless there's both some reasonable value to justify the effort and a need that could not be filled otherwise.

It's prudent to have a variety of options.