Choosing the best topic to write is not an easy task for a writer. We are searching and collecting best information to write a topic, it could be about yourself, about someone self, about everything under the sun. What ever topics we might have, these are very valuable for us. Because every article we submitted has a worth for us, worth to have a viewers, worth to received an upvotes and worth to have good comments.
Try to figure out your previous posts? Are there any interesting posts that are best for you yet it was under valued? Then,try to give life to it. Recycle your articles. Try to create a another set of content that you think worth to read again. I have a lot of article that has few read and it was challenging for me to enhance my writings to gain more audiences.
Out of 300+ Article i wrote, i will share to you my best shot. Below are some of my previous post that has worth for me and worth for someone who give it a time to read.
#1. Beauty behind this abandoned Port
This was one of my best article submitted 3 months ago, i got $8.79 from it. Thanks to someone who gave it an upvote, maybe from whales. This abandoned port was one of the best place to visit for free. It is located at Negros Occidental, Bulataya Cauayan. This was the old Phelix Mining Port, where big cargo ships from different countries are coming to load tons of copper from mining. But today, it was abandoned and not operating at all. It became a tourist spot, it has clear blue water, white sand and large stones that was used to barricade against waves.
#2. White sand and amazing island of Marigpe
This was my post after visiting the Marigpe island. I wrote several articles about it but this post was my best article so far. I introduce how beautiful this island is. It has a white sand, coral reefs and different species of fish. It is open for everyone but only during day time. Marigpe is 3 minutes away from Elihan where the station is located. Marigpe is known for its beautiful island features. Read more about it. Just click the title.
#3. The mystery behind this Church
Long time ago, before the church was built. There was an old women whom Mary showed up and talked to her. She was instructed to build a church in that place. Since then, people are visiting the place to see a miracle where they can witness a dancing sun. Literally, the sun showing up but it was like dancing and jumping. Every Saturday end of the month we spent time together with girlfriend to offer a praying and thanksgiving.
#4. Rare Find,Fossilized Giant Cone Shell
It was 2010 when my brother and i spent time together searching for a unique stone that has unique formation of it, i am referring to a fossil. We have the interest of searching for a fossil for a collection. However, we stumble a rare and maybe a unique find. A giant cone shell, it is situated just few distance away from the sea. Until now we still have it in our site.
#4. Walking to a Paradise on hill top, Puncak Tanawan
This is one of my best adventure so far. Just 2 months ago we visited the Puncak Tanawan. Its a wellnown mountain climbing adventure that takes 1 hour to2 hours to walk. You will really experience the mountain climbing adventure. But a lot of people visiting this place. Its a tiring things to go up there but when you are on top? A paradise, a cool place to live.
Hope you enjoy reading my top 5 articles from my previous post. Thank you!
Try to call the attention of science for the fossil
Wow. Beautiful places you have there. Would love to visit if i have money. Thanks for sharing
Thank you..Philippines is really a nice place.
Would love to visit. But there is no money
making money at steemit...i am making as well, soon i will travel.
I am not making money on steemit
Wow namiss ko tuloy ang negros hahaah.. Akala ko taga davao ka boss hahaha..
haha Negros ah...lau naman nun. Nakapunta ka na ng negros? Saan?
You are actually doing very well sir!