Yes !Its half insect and half plant.Its name is Yarsagumba.We can find this mountain side of Nepal.It can be found after rainy season.Its hard to find and expensive also.Yarsagumba is use as herbal medicine'
After the rainy season the people of hills and mountain side of Nepal they go to harvest Yarsagumba .It takes four to five days of toff climbing of hills n mountain where we can find this Yarsagumba.There are some lows to harvest and trade Yarsagumba.Its very useful and expensive half insect half plant named Yarsagumba.
Use of this Yarsagumba
- Has properties of antibiotic
- Is use to lung and respiratory infection,pain,sciatica,and backache.
- Provides vitality and increase physical stamina of the body.
- Use as a treatment of impotency .
- To cure chronic hepatitis and immune function such as dys functioning of liver .
- Act as a powerful aphrodisiac .