I tend to post about news a lot. But I properly link to the original article & post only snippets/teasers (& then usually comment on the article). Even though the snippets are usually very small (a few sentences, maybe a paragraph) I get these cheetah bot responses.
Couldn't they program it in a way that differentiates between actual plagiarism & properly sourced snippets (which is supposed to lead people to read the original)?
I won't stop doing it, anyway, since I don't see why I should re-invent the wheel (i.e. rewrite a news article). Earning isn't everything.
But I'm a bit irked when I see people get upvoted by @originalworks when they simply copied a complete article.
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Well said @bossel although the whole platform is still in development..lets just be hopful that better improvements would be rolled in. Thanks for stopping by