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RE: Why post with good content not picking up???

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have been on here a month or two now, and I agree. It's a whole lot of people thinking they're going to make a bunch of money playing a social media game ... and not much real content with very little social interaction. I'm going to stick with it for a little bit, see if I can figure it out more. It seems like most of the posts that get attention or have "value" are parts of these big artificial bot groups that manipulate the system. HOW IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT THAN ALL THE OTHER CORRUPT SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS THAT ALREADY EXIST????!!!! That's what I ask myself here. It might actually be worse.

I don't really care all that much about cryptocurrency. Personally, I think most of the markets for coins are a big scam that are manipulated by big investors.

FWIW, I came across this guide recently. It seems to have better information in it than most. But if this article is true, then this platform is stupid.


totally agree, with you. thanks for providing a genuine advice. appreciate it..