How (And Why) I Created A Second Steemit Account

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

How (And Why) I Created A Second Steemit Account

Yesterday a brilliant idea came to mind. I've been desperately wanting to use Steepshot to post all of my past and future travel photos and videos. But I didn't want to use my main channel because you guys didn't follow me for travel suggestions and beautiful pictures. That's when it hit me... I should create another channel that focuses only on travel and exploring beautiful places around the world!

Links Mentioned in Today's Video:

Follow me at @travelpreneur
Create a Second Account with AnonSteem

If you're interested in more videos, tutorials, and how-tos, I encourage you to follow my channel and leave me replies of things you would like to learn about. If I don't know the answer, we'll learn together! :)

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I enjoy seeing a mixture of informative posts and adventurous ones. Looking forward to updates from the new account. Just followed it :)

Wowww, This is what I was looking for . . . .Thank you @brandonfrye

following your new channel now. bring on those travel adventures! sweet idea. always dropping the great information.....thanks brandon!

Hah, thanks @rawutah. I have so many that I've never even shared before. Been waiting on an app like Steepshot to really put them out there! :)

Thanks for the anonsteem tip will come in handy

Yes, it was very easy. Glad to share that with you!

thank you i feel so good because i have never win anything before i feel bless following uou thanks again keep up the tips an good work here on steemit

Great Idea! I Will Follow You're New Account!

I have an embarrassing story to tell you. This is my second account because I managed to lose the password from my first one. I used a second e-mail and my mom's phone number and voilà, here I am again...

Lol, oh no!! Well I'm glad you're back. And I hope you wrote down all of your passwords now too. :)

I did😎 changing subjects, I'm glad to find a vegan guy in this platform. I've been vegan for almost two years now and I haven't met many of us. Here in Brazil veganism is still in its infancy and most people don't understand it. I hope one day it'll become mainstream. Cheers

That's awesome, glad to meet a fellow vegan. I've been completely plant-based for around 5 or 6 years and wouldn't go back for anything.

Me neither. I was vegetarian for 18 years but some health problems made me look into veganism, everything happens for a reason...

Done & done!

Followed the new account man and I COMPLETELY hear you. I started a second account as well (with anon steem) because I was not sure how much value my current followers would get from me playing video games at midnight lol

Thanks man! And lol, I hear you. Until they can separate out the different applications being built on Steem it looks like this is the best option. Not bad though. I see it almost as if I'm creating another social account on a completely different platform... but within the same ecosystem of great people.

Its a very clever idea and helps to keep your main account to your key content without distracting from your other posts.

Wouldn't it be much better if we were able to have different tabs or sections which we could post to on steemi so we could segregate our posts to the different formats?

Yeah, that would be another great option. Or just have the option to keep certain posts to their applications rather than posting them here on Steemit too.

Yes but i also think as far as curation it would be nice and simple to have it all on one platform, and from there you could perhaps do the reverse, and post things to your other channels from Steemit

You got a 21.66% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @brandonfrye!

Thank you very much for the $20. I greatly appreciated it. Another quality video. Keep them coming

You're very welcome! Thanks for your ongoing support and comments. 🙂

Great and informative video @brandonfrye. Making a second account is a smart idea. Some people don't like scrolling through their feed. I don't mind great pictures and amazing destinations. I will follow @travelpreneur and keep up the support. Thank you for your continued educational videos about #steem and steemit. We all learn a lot from you

Thanks @kbakadave, I appreciate it!

Great info. I will consider a 2nd account.

I'm learning that there's a blockchain equivalent to every social media site. Thanks for these tutorial videos because I'm a little slow in understanding how all of this works. Like why is it beneficial to keep your STEEM on the platform and not cash it out?

Yes we really have it all here on the Steem blockchain. And it’s beneficial to keep your money on the platform (in Steem Power) because it gives you higher curation rewards, a higher upvote amount, and plus it’s a smart investment in my eyes.

Thank you. If I had enough SteemPower I'd create multiple accounts, for each purpose a separate account. With the last option SteemConnect it would be very easy to create them without additional costs except the delegation for the new accounts.
youraccount under General - Recovery Account. But if it is not important to be anonymous I like this idea.
But of course for the new accounts to have some bandwidth it is necessary to delegate about 15 SteemPower.
And if you need to recover your new account for some reason, you'll have to do this with your first account, your main account, which is your recovery account.
If you use one of the other options or for your main account, someone else has the recovery account and you better don't lose any of your passwords or you have to trust this other recovery account to recover your account. Of course everyone could see who created the account, by checking the backup account for example in

Very good points. I haven't looked into the other options of creating accounts outside of anonsteem but I know there are different things to consider. I know that @someguy123 is the recovery guy to go to for anonsteem and I've heard that he's very good about recovering your account if you have any issues.

Wow your timing is impressive! I was actually discussing this with a new user yesterday. I explained that topics we post about become more or less expected by our followers. Therefore switching around could actually confuse and frustrate them, and perhaps even lead to an unfollow. Thanks for the suggestion:0)

You're absolutely right. This is why I've never shared my travel pics and videos here on this channel. I'm not willing to lose my following due to a few vacation pictures lol. So it's best to just create another channel and devote that channel to your other topic.

Hey Brandon, thanks for info. I'm your follower on second channel too. But for me I need to build my main channel first , then I can consider to make another one. Come visit Latvia it's beautiful in summer here.

Thanks @samaritanfriend, I appreciate it! And that's a good point - build your first channel first or you could get overwhelmed with trying to build two at the same time. And wow, looks like a beautiful place! We'll be out that way and with the way we travel you never know where we'll end up. Thanks for the suggestion as we're always looking for places to put a new pin on the map! :)

Your welcome, by the way my wife and I, we are vegans too. And i'm chef I know some tasty recipes. And my friend own's a healthy\vegan food store in capital city Riga. So we are following trends of plant based food eating. My dream is someday to open a simple healthy restaurant or dinner in Riga. God bless

I followed your other account ! Iceland would be awesome .

Thanks @abhicrypto, and yes Iceland is definitely on our bucket list and is probably where we'll head in the summer. :)

Thats a great idea to make a second channel,may be in future I may think of doing so,currently i am trying to learn the platform while commenting.

Yes, it's a great option if you have several areas of focus that you'd like to discuss or share with people. :)

very good publication excellent content friend I like you, you have a new follower greetings

I've heard that you can't switch back and forth between two Steemit accounts like you can with DTube. Is that the case? In other words, now that you have a second account, you'll be able to make videos for @travelpreneur and you can add that account to your Dtube channel under @brandonfrye.

Unfortunately, this is true. What I do is I have one account pulled up in Google Chrome and my main channel here pulled up in Safari. And yes, luckily I can use Dtube and switch easily. Also I was able to get notifications through Steemify (iPhone app) with both accounts.

Thanks for the video, it was only a couple of days I was thinking I may make a second channel for gaming related stuff but I really should be focusing on my first one first so I have decided to just work harder and not be lazy (that's why i'm here watching videos instead of working on my next review!! oh well)

This is true.. sometimes it's best to get your first channel built up before attempting to build another. Especially if the content you'll be producing for your alternative channel is labor intensive. Luckily for me I'll just be posting images and videos from travel which shouldn't take up nearly as much time as my main channel does. And hah, I'm glad I was able to steal your attention for a bit! :)

Makes sense @brandonfrye. It would be distracting getting all that in your blog feed. Thanks for giving us a heads up !!

upvote follow bunny.gif

Hello, looking forward on you travelling posts, also I find your main account very helpful for a rookie like me. Followed :D

I was thinking of another Steemit channel but wasn’t sure, so now I am. Thanks for the info!

Random Proposal : That STEEMIT provide STEEM rewards for persuading content providers on other platforms such as YouTube, to switch to - or add their content to - STEEMIT.
I've just discovered your stream, Brandon, and as you seem to be a pretty STEEMIT-savvy guy I'm wondering if you could tell me where to go with this idea of earning rewards for successfully recommending STEEMIT to other content providers .....?
"Switchers" would, of course, be required to provide proof of the recommender who persuaded them to either switch or add in order for the recommender to be allocated points.