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RE: ⏺ You need to open up to new ideas! Open up!! Part 1

in #steemit7 years ago

I point to this quote of yours for my comments: "If you are talking to someone above your level of progress, and you need to get some insight, you need to keep your ego down, mouth shut when they talk, and you need to open up your ears. That's it."

I am often amused when students want to talk over or argue with their teacher. Yes, one shouldn't blindly believe or follow whatever they are told, but there is a place for discussion and it is usually at the end of the lesson, not during.

One of my profound learnings in life is to stop thinking about what I want to say while "listening" to someone else talking. If you're truly listening, you will be completely focused upon what is being conveyed. Only after the other has stopped speaking should you begin to formulate and communicate your response. Too often we miss valuable information or jump to conclusions after only a few moments of listening.



Such awesome insight man. Love it.

The school thing, I agree. Look, it's not that the teacher is necessarily right, but simply just the fact that they are older than the student should be enough to just listen. Out of respect.

I totally think what you said about listening is so powerful. I am a big culprit of jumping the gun. I have a very fast-paced way of thinking, and I'm very 'to the point'. So for me, it's super tough to listen to everything someone has to say.. But I also know it's the right thing to do, and that I would want them to do the same for me if I am talking. So for that, I am trying to train myself to follow my advice, and just keep quiet until I have something valid to say.

Thanks for this. Talk soon.