So I have a blog about software development. Wow! A software engineer has a blog about code!
Blog name
It's in Polish and I called it "Kury Kodowe". This is a play on "Kury domowe" which is a less formal way to call housewives. It precisely means "house hens". "Kodowe" describes something related to code, so "Kury kodowe" is "code hens". Well, hope you get the idea.
When our daughter was born, I became a part of a community of mothers giving birth around the same time. The girls started complaining some time ago that they didn't know what to do with their lives. Like you know, right after spending a year or four looking after a child, right before going back to work. I offered that we could try and learn some coding. We all knew chances were pretty slim in terms of getting any of them on that professional path, but the goal was to help them do something for themselves, dedicate a bit of time to try something, to learn, to develop. And if it works and they do some coding - cool, and if it doesn't and they don't do any coding - cool. Anyway, guess you understand where I had the idea from.
For mothers, in English
As @breadcentric I've been writing about technical stuff every now and then. Now I started moving onto Steem as @kurykodowe. I would like to have a similar account for English posts and I have a problem with how to call it.
I am aware that I'm not a very good blogger, teacher or explainer, but I would like to give it a try. I would also like to determine a certain groups as a focus group: mothers. Why mothers? Why not? They have a whole set of skills that would give them an advantage in such industry, starting with ability to think on a high level of abstraction, through ability to combine and coordinate (and remember) gazillion things at the same time to skills in managing a horde of badly behaving babies (yes, I'm referring to a bunch of developers). There are so many programs aimed at encouraging young women to enter the tech industry, why then not mothers, women with a ton of experience?
I'm not sure if I will be able to help anyone or encourage any mother to try something like that, but I would like to write for them. So I am looking for a name. How would you call it? I had a quick look around the web and I've learned that "Code Wife" is both taken and not very friendly, "Code Moms" and "Code Mother" is also taken.
How about "Code Like a Mother"?
I therefore call out the Mothers Of Steemit @steemitmamas and all others. Help!