
I also encourage you to get on Discord and get involved with certain communities! Feel free to contact me at 'Scuzzy#7843' and I'll guide you to certain recommended channels.

What's Discord?

Its an upgraded version of skype, telegram, and any online-based communication softwares.

A high majority of the Steemit communities are on Discord.

Here's where you can download it:

Once you download it, let me know your username so I can add you.

Hey Scuzzy! We just got Discord, here's our Username: Break Out The Crazy #6462

I've added you! Hopefully you guys are available now, because there's a show that's going on now that'll help!

Oh cool. Yikes, I already got all of the above! lol I guess one more wouldn't hurt especially if it's gonna help spread the word about us. Do you really think it's worth it?

One million percent!

Discord is maybe the best comunication app there is now. Find me: Lolo#3131