Dose Of Inspiration w/ @BrettCalloway

in #steemit7 years ago

Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Your brain is so powerful. It's the number one factor in determining where you end up in life. Your brain is a computer that's constantly making decisions. The decision making process is a blessing and a curse if you can't control it. The most powerful way to get results in your life is by changing your limiting beliefs.

Try This Trick Next Time Your Feeling Doubtful

What ever you're trying to accomplish with your life, you'll always have to battle through fear, uncertainty and doubt. It's your ability to deal with the FUD in your life that will determine your level of success.

In my life, I've had many opportunities to surrender to the FUD. An good example is when I started my private lending business, it was extremely difficult overcoming the objections in my own head. 

Objections like:

      - "I'm just a constructions worker without a college degree. Why would anyone trust me with their money?"

      - "I have a terrible track record with investing, why would I think I could provide a ROI to an investor?"

      - "I'm fat and not very outgoing, people would have to be feeling sorry for me to give me money."

Thoughts like these are what lose the game before you even start playing. So what can we do? Simple, we have to change our limiting beliefs. 

Let's take this example of my private lending business and change my limiting beliefs. The best way to do this is to imagine exactly what you want, and pretend that there was an absolute certainty that you would get the result you're after. 

What if success was guaranteed? 

How would you feel walking into a meeting with an investor knowing they had already written the check and they were just waiting on you to show up?

That's the trick that has helped me start moving past all the FUD that's in my own head about myself. When I feel the doubt sinking in, I simple imagine that the result I'm after is guaranteed to happen and all I have to do is show up. 


Fear, uncertainty and doubt is something that everyone has to deal with. If you let these thought patterns consume your thoughts, you will undoubtedly bring on the results you fear the most. 

When you feel moments of fear or doubt, quickly change your thought process to imagine the successful result your after is a certainty. This trick of focusing on your thoughts and controlling your head space will do amazing things in your life if you let it.

Hopefully this helped you get some ideas about how to break out of destructive fearful thought patterns.

Let me know what you do to get you through times of fear and doubt.

Thanks for checking out the post and I hope you enjoyed.

Brett ~"Life is a special gift meant to be enjoyed."


Very inspiring post. Moreover, the more we focus on something the we "attract" it since we are basically changing our perspective.

That's why when we have a bad day suddenly everything looks bad.

Focusing on the good things win in the long run, even in bad moments we can always get something good from it!

Great motivation for young generation @brettcalloway