Capturing More Traffic On YouTube

in #steemit7 years ago

Over the years YouTube continues to evolve and sometimes you just have to go through the painstaking process of going back and putting in more work to give your videos more life.   One update that YouTube recently made is the ability to do end screens at the end of your video to hopefully get more people to subscribe or watch another one of  your videos. You used to have to do these manually in your video editor but this makes it a lot easier to do.   

In video manager it is under End Screen and Annotations.  At that point you are able to add elements and position them on your video.   Sometimes people have to watch two or three of your videos before they will subscribe.   So you want to keep them engaged on your content.  

Long Tail Keywords 

To be honest I have been really lazy with this YouTube channel as far as tagging it properly on YouTube and doing these types of updates.   Mainly because this channel was for embedding videos that would be in Steemit posts.   Now I'm going back and getting a little more serious about it.   

I redid a bunch of tags as well.   A lot of them I was just doing "steem" "steemit" "crypto currencies" "bitcoin"   and a few other generic things because I wasn't trying to capture outside traffic for the most part.   I'm not using Tube Buddy or anything but I am doing more long tail keywords.   This is an SEO strategy that I have used for years in Wordpress to try to get more specific qualified traffic.

As an example if I have a video about EOS I'm putting in tags like.   "how to buy eos ico", "best crypto currencies for 2018", "is EOS a Scam", "top five crypto currencies", "what is the best wallet to store EOS."

So basically things that people would type in that would be more specific.   If I just use tags like EOS, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Steem I'm unlikely to get much traffic because I don't have a big following on that particular channel so the bigger channels are more likely to get served up for those keywords over me.  

The Pool Meeting Format    

For awhile I have thought about that pool meeting format and whether it is the best strategy to convey information.   

Pool Meeting Advantages

  • Novel idea.  I never saw anyone do that before me or coin the term "pool meeting."
  • Makes sense to have a whale floating around because of crypto "whales."
  • Much like how someone driving in a car keeps the viewers attention because there is stuff going by in the background I feel that the waves in the pool give the same effect over someone just talking with a stationary background behind them. 
  • Pools are fun!

Pool Meeting Disadvantages

  • The process takes longer to set up and make videos that way.   I'm not filming on my phone when I do that.   
  • Unless I strategically plan for it and do it in the post production it is hard to introduce screen captures to demonstrate how to do things.   
  • I can't use my wireless mics because of the water so road noise and other noise gets in the video. 
  • I could get sunburn. :-(   

I'm not up on all the YouTubers who talk about crypto but the pool meeting format I would say is equivalent to David Hay's strategy but his audio quality is way better because he is able to use his wireless mic and doesn't have background noise.   

@jerrybanfield has an amazing setup for live streaming.   If you haven't seen it check it out here. I would say that personally I felt like one YouTuber had the best format for crypto currency related videos on YouTube and that was Sunny Decree.  He puts a ton of time into editing videos and chopping out the fat when he is talking about a topic.   He is pumping videos out like crazy as well which helps him grow.   

What do you guys think?  What YouTuber uses the most effective format in regards to crypto videos?   

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Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


I hadn't even made the pool meeting to "whale" connection until you brought it up! Nice job and keep up the good work.

Yeah, hahah, Back in the early days we used to go to and see if the whales were swimming!

its hard to use electronic gadgets

excellent contribution, I support you, and I continue

Stick with the pool meeting theme. I like it and it's unique.

Hmmm most effective?
Ian Balania. Not high production value, but he drops the best knowledge. He is pretty in depth. He has a system to review ICO's so it's the same every time.
He does live streaming often and answers questions.
He interviews CEO's constantly.

His production value is weak, but I think it works in his favor because he spends no time editing. He relies solely on the quality of info.

Interesting. I will check him out. I like your format as well and you do a really good job with the green screen.

The unfortunate thing is that most the the guys who gained a lot of traction were pitching Shitconnect.

Giveaways seemed to be super important as well. The guys doing these daily giveaways certainly got a lot of followers from it.

I know. This shitconnect thing has been crazy. Those guys are making a killing to with no risk because some of them don't even buy in. They are 100% referrals and they shill 15 different lending platforms.

It's crazy times.

I'm interested in Ian Balina's path because now he is getting flown all over the world as a ICO advisor just from pumping his reviews for 6 months.
It's not a very competitive space at the moment.

PS, I just added a little end page to my youtube vids and upgraded with info from your article. Thanks.

That is interesting about Ian for being an ICO advisor. To be honest this crypto surge has blown me away in so many ways. Summer 2016 Craig and Trevon would just make non sense videos and to be honest they had no clue what they were talking about . @crypt0 who I like would make low production videos on his phone when he would drive home from work and a lot of times he would stop at fast food places and be ordering right in the middle of the video. He was saying how he was living with his cousin and his aunt....etc but was excited about the tech. He just keep making videos and then when this surge happened suddenly he became a resource of information and suddenly people were air dropping him coins and his stuff was getting a huge surge in traffic...... etc.

Then all these ICOs coming out with people who know nothing about crypto. It honestly has been unbelievable.

I have been disillusioned by it and unfortunately sometimes I feel that I should have launched a coin or did an ICO but the regulatory situation with all that is a big question mark. I think the government is going to start coming down hard on some of these people doing ICOs and throw them in club FED for a couple of years to try to teach everyone who is boss.

Information most likely won't get people in trouble but to grow these channels really big I almost feel that a person would have to do the coin giveaways, pump content like mad, and run a pretty solid ad campaign.

Also another thing that has blown my mind is these people just getting all this money thrown at them. Tens of millions and hundreds of millions of dollars a lot of times just for an idea. It is nuts.

All that is true. It's like a mad scramble for a piece of the pie.
I try to feel kind of chill about it because I think mass adoption will happen in the next 10 years. At that point all this wild west BS won't matter too much.

As long as we take our time and try to get somewhere on the wave it will be worth it.

Sometimes I get caught up in missing one of these passing opportunities, but then I realize that it's all one huge opportunity and I'm right in the middle of it. Who cares if I missed getting enough Ether at $15? The rising tide will lift all boats.

What I tell my friends is to take what they love and apply it to the space. I had to do that. For a well I was overwhelmed because I'm not a coder. I'm decent with Tech, but some stuff is out of my league.

Then I realized my main background has been in technical education. I can explain complex stuff simply. I've started to focus my time in that area and I'm trying to ride the wave.

You're unique because you're so technical, plus you have the business side.

PS looks like the ICO space is really starting to self regulate.
Ideas without a running dapp are having trouble getting traction. The day of the whitepaper ICO is behind us.
Investors are also being more discerning and showing more interest in platforms over Dapps.

I heard a good angle. When the internet came out initially the money was in platforms. Only after it was fully develop did money start to flow into apps like Facebook and Instagram.
