Thank you to all of my followers. Thank you to all of Steemit. I love being here. I love helping you live more inspired lives.
I want to see everyone succeed on here.
If you would like, you can ask me to draw a tarot card for you in the comments. We'll see what's most important for you to know about your success on steemit.
Yay 5 hundo! 🖐
Any extra you'd like to give me is welcome and very much appreciated.
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Congratulations on your 500 followers @brightstar <3
I've been enjoying your writings on this platform. Your take on steemit and spirituality for real fucking life has been refreshing and inspiring.
Sign me up for a reading!
You have a very whimsical, flowery, and fun spirit. There are wounds that are coming up now. Address them and be with them and they will heal. When they heal, you become whole. You will find some healing here on Steemit, and you will be able then to express that flowery, earthy nature of yours. :) It will be nice for your to share that here for others.
thank you xo
It so great to see you doing well. Can i get a read?
This indicates self mastery and a completion of cycles. You have a lot of wisdom that you can share here about how you did it. Ecstasy is also indicated in this card. Share that, too. 😊 Dreams manifested, mystical experiences, emotional fulfillment, connection to spirit. You'll contribute those things here, and you will also experience them in your own life from your being here and what you contribute here.
Thank you very much you are not only a bright star you are a guiding star as well
That means a lot to me. Thank you.
I would not argue if you pulled a card for me:)Good job on 500 followers @brightstar.
Thank you! Loving it!
You are doing great with your account! It looks solid. Nice amount of followers, and they support you and engage with you.
Be courageous and go all in here. Go all in with no mind to what others will think about what you share here. Share yourself fully and what you think and believe. Be vulnerable.
Go all in on yourself here. Don't compete with others. Just put your focus on sharing with conviction what's really inside of you. Dig in and get it out. Be bold. This is a place for you to express what's in you. So do it. Go for it. Really, really go for it and put it all out on the table unapologetically. Let it be about expression for yourself.
We want to really see boldness from you.
Is there a topic that wants to come out that you have reservations about sharing?
Be Bold.
In case you can't see it, the card is Reversed Seven of Wands - Courage
I try to keep my political views in a bottle, but they come out in the songs that I write.
My spiritual beliefs are also woven into every song, but I suppose they also come out in my readings.
I will try not to hold back. Thank you @brightstar.
*I won't hold back. 😊
First of all need to say your previous reading for me worked out in amazing way and made me get into great areas of my personality which i'm very satisfied to know about. Thank you for that one.
And yes! I'm here for next one. Thanks in advance.
I'm very glad to hear that, @azizsedaqat. I'm here to help you if you need it. If you feel you want more elaboration on that aspect of your life (or any others), we can dive in deeper with a one on one reading on discord. Let me know if you want more help on that.
I got a feeling when I was focusing on your energy to draw this that your higher self is wanting to give you a great burst of encouragement and joy and inspiration.

I would encourage you to stare at the image and receive the energy that's being presented to you in it and from it.
And to also close your eyes and invite in this feeling that your higher self is wanting to share with you.
This card really shows what I was feeling they want to convey to you. This is showing that you are highly intuitive and you have so much love and joy and goodness to share.
You are here to support and to teach others, by drawing upon your own intuition and sense of calm and emotional connectedness. Learn how those in need cope with life’s challenges and share your knowledge. You can sense the needs of those around you, and you will help in this way on Steemit. Share your joy. Let your cup of joy overflow to your community on Steemit through what you share here. You are a safe harbor for others. You will draw to you those who have broken hearts, and you will be a haven and a shining light for them.
You're highly intuitive and creative, and I want to encourage you to tap into that here. ❤️ Get into the juicy stuff and let the juice flow. Let others bask in it.
The woman in this card feels all the emotions deeply. And she revels in all of them because they make her feel alive. And you can use this for your creativity.
Thank you. You are deeply connected!
Since couple of years ago my intuition is my most trusted guide in life. I'm also receiving guidance through numerology. Would love to share lots of things via art and creativity. Already working on it.
After your previous reading made more research and came accross the concept of being an empath. Wow! Suddenly everything made sense by learning about it.
Now educating myself more on it. I can definitely use that extra help from you.
I'm not familiar with discord, but can start using it if it's necessary for communicating with you.
Also i've spent my last available money on one month backpacking to nepal, starting in couple of days. So i can't pay anything at the moment for your help, but as soon as i make some money on steemit or from my little investment in cryptos i can transfer some crypto to your wallet.
Sure! There has to be an equal exchange from both parties, so comment here when you'r ready!
Congrats on 500 followers! Looking forward to that milestone soon too :)
I would very much appreciate a card reading! :)
I chose to read with the Voyager deck for you.
I drew the Five of Wands card - Oppression - reversed

And then I saw this lone card chilling out, so I'm including it in the reading, too. It's a mysterious one. It kind of hid itself. So this suggests to me that this may be something you're not aware of and conscious of.
It was Man of Crystals - Inventor - reversed.
Maybe there are some things you want to address here on Steemit that are controversial or may cause conflict. Sometimes conflict can be good if it gets to the root of an issue. The Reversed Man of Crystals says not to be cruel or have a sharp tongue when you do this.
I'm getting from these cards that you want to shake things up a bit. And this would be good for you. I'm getting that you may have some hesitance about which direction to go and where to focus. But just find a place to focus and then go. Not choosing means no action. Let it hang out. Don't try to impress people. Don't try to outdo people or be competitive or outsmart people. Reversed Man of Crystals can be conniving, so this may be an aspect of your personality that you're not very in touch with. So, I think that here on this platform you will be working these things out in your expression of yourself and your life here. ❤️
Glad to have you here. I'll be checking in on ya. 😊
Thanks so much for taking the time for this reading. I love it! I think there are some things in here that definitely ring true for me, as well as some great guidance for this journey.
I so look forward to following your work! Sending you love for the time being, as my account value is pretty worthless at the :)
I hope you make a fortune in the future!
Congratulations @brightstar on reaching 503 followers!
I wish you continued success!
Remember high quality articles are they key to continued success and getting even more followers!
Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding.
I have followed and upvoted you.
Oh heck... I also reached 500 a day or so ago but I don't know what to do to celebrate it yet. I guess I better think of one fast.
Oh and and a tarot card reading wouldn't hurt either. :D
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers!
Thank you! Congrats are in order for you, too I guess! 🥂
The most important thing for you to know about your success here on Steemit is to embrace the fact that you're born alone and you die alone. Don't waste time dreaming about how it could be or about someone coming to save you. Be fully in yourself and fully in your life, and fully embrace and accept it as it is. This will give you creative juice for your success here on Steemit.
Oookay, are you sure that's for my success on Steemit and not for my life in general? Haha...