in #steemit6 years ago




@nadine-m-burri you are My 2019th follower in the year 2019. And I highly appreciate that so I am rewarding this. ( Source : )

I Will upvote your latest blog 100% and I Will follow you back. I Will help you When you need me to and Lets ride into the future together,
I wish you well on Our joirney here on the steemisfere.

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy !

  • “Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results”
  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie


I fully support witness and developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them, they would appreciate your vote

They build Steemify, a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:

COME AND JOIN !Member off the #steemitmamas #steemterminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord @ brittandjosie3488

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Google and with others its mentioned in the blog.

I would like to thank all my STEEMIT friends who have been supporting me. Feel free to leave me any feedback.


haha nice! Wondering whether I'll ever get to this crossover point :D maybe in 2020? :D Adding some tiny upvote for her as well :)

Well thats highly appreciated by Nadine i am sure .......

Perfect synchronicity!

Posted using Partiko Android

Isnt it its like wow !!!

I apologize in advance.. ;)

this reply reminded me of:

"like wow, wipeout"

Hahahaah thats so good, love these kinds off repliek,
Have a great sunday,

It made me go down a rabbit hole of listening to the rest of the youtubes I could find on this..

mars needs guitars!!

How do you get followers?

Posted using Partiko Android

By blogging and honesty

Please can you help me get followers. Am new pls.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes sure blog a blog with a story 300 Words + and put Nice pictures in it ans a picture of yourself ans that Will do the trick.
Now you are just putting up 1 picture thats it thats not blogging thats like instagram....

OK. Just pictures of myself?

Posted using Partiko Android

Let people get to know Jesse, or show what your eyes are seeing.... pictures from your daily life or your food and WRITE ABOUT IT
this is a platform with engaging people with people who are interested, so try it

OK thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

And are you going to try this