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RE: I just bought PotCoin.

in #steemit8 years ago

Bitcoin and Ethereum I believe lack the true anonymity you'd need to do it in America. Remember pot is still illegal from the federal level and we all know how much they love looking at online Data to find "criminals."

Even buying PotCoin with dollars could be enough to show intent right?

I think Lisk is introducing tumbleBit, that may make it a good solution as well. It would also make Lisk very undervalued.

I am simply making the argument that this is one of many industries that will greatly benefit from the new economy and world that is forming.


yes there are a bunch that want to cater to anonymity. CloakCoin just released 2.0... and Dash... but I guess the name PotCoin fits the industry very well

And it isn't cheesy either! There is a coin for the escort industry called LoveCoin that has a terrible website and plan of action. What I see with PotCoin is that they are spending money to be at events. They are actively selling a physical product! I don't think any of the other coins are doing that. Is Ethereum or Bitcoin showing up at other industries conferences? I only see them at techie blockchain conferences.