
From one of your valued witnesses @timcliff


But I assure you, the square root over linear, that is a fact and that is major. In small number it is something like this:

  • A: 10 SP holder
  • B: 100 SP holder

Before the value

  • A: 10* 10 = 100
  • B: 100 * 100 = 10.000


  • A: 10
  • B: 100

Before the ratio between B and A was 100 and after only 10.

Do this for the bigger numbers and you noticed that the top of the SP pyramid was taking almost all the Steem distributed every day. That is why the whale no vote gave us an substantial jump in vote reward. I have the feel that last month or so more and more whales started to vote again and using up their votes every day. Anyway, that experiment is now ended. Lets see what that will do coming days/weeks.

Thanks for the details! Helps :)

Hi - having been here less than a week, I barely understand voting frequency and which votes carry more weight.

I do understand the ratio above, though, so thank you!

Cool! :)