The world is a HUGE place which is increasingly being made smaller and virtual thanks to platforms like #steemit
This is also a place that has given birth to lot of relationships with age / sex / location / caste / religion / country being no bar
Lets invite Steemian travelers to stay with us free of cost
The aim is to make this a MEGA thread which travelers (from backpackers to globetrotters) can refer to while looking for accommodation. Note that this should only be for Steemit users and those who registered / posted their first post before 4th December 2017 - so as to make sure non-Steemit users dont take advantage by just signing up and using the 'free' offer!
I will start with my listing
COUNTRY : India || CITY : Manali || USER : @bunnypunia
Those who wish to put up their homes / hotels / or anything up here for fellow users, please leave us a comment below. I will keep adding them to the list here, sorted alphabetically by country name.
How can you help --> Spread the word, re-steem this, upvote this, or tag others users in the comment section below. Let the big family help each other :)
This is a really thoughtful and considerate way to leverage the power of community. Been meaning to do a motorcycle trip to the hills with some friends, and will definitely drop in and say hi if we pass through Manali. Resteeming :)
Thanks @spaceninja : its sad no one else has commented here :(
Don't be disheartened. It may take a while to get such projects off the ground. Doesn't mean you should stop trying :)