The impact of this change may be different than what you've been thinking!
Since the announcement of the change of the voting rules, I've been analyzing it and been involved in a couple discussions, but even after that was difficult to understand what would happen.
Being a fan of visualizations to understand things, I wrote a little tool to plot how it would have been if this rule had been in effect since the beginning and but you voted just the same. Here's an example:
So it displays in blue the 720 votes I cast so far and how my voting power fluctuated when regenerating between them. In yellow it shows how it would have been if the new rule had always been in effect since the beginning. You can see how my 610th vote was cast with 97.54% VP and it would have been cast with 15.11% instead.
But since now each vote uses more voting power, and consequently has a bigger impact, how much Voting Power would it have used?
There. Instead of 49.77 VP, it had a bigger impact, spending 61.42VP instead.
Of course, everyone else's votes would have a bigger impact, so this definitely benefits who votes less often, but this shows that the change is not what I intuitively expected. It also highlights the obvious fact, but not always apparent, that voting at 10% Voting Power and voting at 10% weight just to stay at 100% is mostly the same. I'm feeling less worried about this changed and thinking about not changing much my patterns (except giving less weight to when voting in comments).
So what effect it would have had on you? Would you have wasted less VP due to missed regeneration? Try it out!. Remember you can zoom in any graph.
For some reason, even though I'm voting with 100% weight on things, I always seem to have a lot more VP than I'm used to prior to the change.
Now I'm wondering if something is wrong with me or my account hah :D
Good analysis.
The new rule should go into action when Steem 0.14.0 goes live and that has not yet happened.
Excellent. Managed to completely miss that hah. Thanks!
I checked out for a few days and then I came back and had the slider bar for voting and I'm still trying to figure out what all changed. Thanks
i checked out your calculator. it didn't work anymore. websockets url was no longer at that address, api changed and jsonrpc as well. anyway, i was curios, so i fixed it. i left the files at:
i still have no clue wether the calculations in the js are at all representative of the current voting system. maybe there was a reason you didn't maintain this and i just wasted an hour with the programming language i like the least.