Keep on thinking!
There is a new proposal by the founders called SMT. I don't yet know enough about it, but it looks like they are trying to solve this problem -- but Steemit would change!
Yes, a developers tag or space is a must (perhaps it is already here somewhere -- I'm too new to know).
And I am rather new, too. As far as I understand the Utopia-io is the spot for developers. But I am no computer specialist. I am looking for a place where user and progammers meet. The best pracitice is by fixing problems... So there should be or might be a place for us to report bugs and other issues. Will I have the courage to ask my more experienced felllows in the Austrian and German Discord channels? There's always so much shame... The expectation to receive a: "You don't know, you should now, haven't you read...?".... But I will ask now. There's a subchannel "questions of newbies"...
Yes, I really believe users should be able to and feel encourage to submit feedback and requests -- no mater what level of understanding they have.
My guess is that there probably is a Discord channel(s), but I really am too new to know.
Thanks for the repy.