The Daily Bidbot Summary for Yesterday 4/17/18 - Who's paying the most for Bidbots?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The list below represents the 25 largest net transfers to bid-bots for the promotion of articles posted on Steemit yesterday.

Due to formatting restrictions, only a few columns can be displayed.

Note: Due to the complexity of certain promotional tools and their associated refunding mechanisms, some smaller refunds may be duplicated or missed.

What is this report?

Many authors choose to promote their posts via Bid-Bots. In return for direct payment, the bots will upvote your article. This service is fully "legal" on Steemit and used by minnows and whales alike.

There are many reasons why an author may want to purchase votes.

  • Give the impression that the article is of substantial value and perhaps you should think so too.
  • Cause the article to make it to the "Hot" or "Trending" category where it gets more exposure and more votes.
  • Cause the payout to increase so that anyone that votes on the post will share in a higher curation pool.
  • Attempt to make a direct profit on the vote by receiving a vote that nets more than the cost of the bid.
  • Increase the authors reputation by receiving large SP votes. High SP votes move the reputation quickly.
  • Support another author or entity indirectly through a Bid-bot.

The list is sorted with the highest NET amounts paid to the Bid-bots on top in descending order.

  • From = The user who sent the payment to the bot.
  • Gross BID (SBD) = The total of all bids sent to the bots in SBD or Steem for this single post.
  • After Refunds (SBD) = The net total of all bids sent less refunds received back in SBD or Steem for this single post.
  • Article Payout = The total STU (SBD/SP) payout value of for the entire article (not just from bots). This is the total paid to the author and curators. (This is the $ value which shows on the bottom of every post.)
  • Link is the direct link to the article that has been promoted via the bid bot.

Largest Net Bids sent to Bidbots and and other post promoters

DateFromGross BidsAfter RefundsArticle PayoutLink

Sometimes great articles get to the top because they are great articles.

Sometimes other articles get to the top because there was sufficient money to pay for that placement. It is up to the community to judge if the rewards pool is being properly managed and distributed in a fair and honest manner.

The wonderful thing about Steemit and the Steem blockchain is everything is transparent

allowing you and all those who care about this platform to be educated on how to properly use the platform as well as how to protect it.

As a result of digging even deeper on the longer term problems associated with bidbots, I have launched a new tool called @transparencybot, which seeks to bring more transparency and education on the use of bidbots to everyone.

You can read more about this mission here.

Please resteem this post if you think this information might be useful to the Steemit community.



By accident I posted this report here and also in transparencybot's blog. Tomorrow it will not be duplicated, it was meant to be resteemed not reposted. Sorry for the duplication.

strange.. the list is empty. nobody bid on bots?

List has been corrected. Thanks for your patience.

Wait - was this post written by a .... bot ....?

How to use the bid-bot services?

Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

Hey @bycoleman. I was about to FUR this but the list just shows null for all columns. Pls check the links.

Sorry, folks.
I'm working on getting it corrected now.

I was so excited to see this but the fields are indeed empty. It would be really good information if there was info there.

I just resteemed the post and then read the comments. Should I wait for an update? I've got a very simple approach to Steemit, which may not work for me. I research, write, comment, vote, and hope for the best. So far, I'm having a pretty good time, but I'm not easily discouraged. It seems the self-policing mechanism operates pretty well, because people like you use it. I think if the idea becomes general that Steemit is hopelessly skewed, then maybe new recruits won't join, and some who have joined will stop participating. I don't want that to happen. I think it's a cool place to blog and to read. Keep up the good work.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

The post has been corrected several hours back. Feel free to resteem it.

Your approach is great and I thank you for the kind words.

It is very important that the self policing is a constant force for quality and longevity, or we will surely loose this platform to the rewards pool abusers.


hey there my name is gaurav nice to meet you followed..!!!