You make some very good points here, and I admire the work put in - plenty of content and you make good use of animated graphics to emphasise points. Our mutual friend @nainaztengra said to me that community and networking was the key to growth - and she is of course perfectly correct. And that community can take many forms, making friends, commenting and sharing on others work - supporting those struggling that you feel deserve the help - sometimes the smallest acts can make you the biggest and most fierce allies. I would say I enjoy a varied range of posts, and many people I follow can pull off a post with just a photo a few lines no problem - because they can take an amazing photo and it speaks ten chapters of text. Equally I have been amazed to discover great works of writing, @mistress lists the developing novel Mistress of Magic: Morgan's First Apprentice by @techslut and it's honestly made me remember why I enjoyed reading books when I was young.
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Exactly !! Steemit taught me to read again !! I used to read novels when I was a teenager. I left it long back due to a busy life but now it again became a habit.
and yes, some photos speaks a lot but i agree. I appreciate photographers but sometimes people just put photos because they don't want to write. Their photography tells if it was done from heart, or for formality.
Thanks for your support all along :D